The Journey vs The Destination

The Journey vs The Destination

We all have goals in life. Some of us never accomplish our goals. We are not discussing those people right now. (Sorry “those people”) I want to discuss an issue that people who set and attack their goals encounter. We tend to have tunnel vision of the goal, the destination. We don’t have any other want than completing what we are doing/trying to do at that moment. Our entire level of joy is dependent upon a destination which may or may not occur.
Yes, people who accomplish goals fail and fail more than they succeed. (Just in case that was a secret) We can continue to chase that goal or accept failure only to set another goal to achieve that moment of gratification. The cycle is never ending because even in success another goal is set. Okay, yeah so what? Drills, what’s the problem? Well, we happen to be working hard over a long period of time for a moment of joy. Running the marathon to cross the finish line. Working a job to get to retirement. Changing your diet to lose weight or have a flat stomach.
Well, I’m writing this in hopes that my fellow go-getters will learn to appreciate all that is gained in the journey. The marathon runner has the endurance to complete any strenuous task asked of a human. The worker was able to provide a stable life for their family while making long lasting friendships with coworkers and others they crossed paths with because of work. The diet changer is now healthier (multitude of benefits there) and the go to person in their circle for how to be healthier resulting a healthier group of friends and family which pays dividends later in life.
SIDE BAR: We all see ourselves growing old with our “crew” but that doesn’t always happen. Get Healthy, Stay Healthy
In closing, enjoy the pursuit. Yes, it’s hard. It’s filled with growing pains. It’s not the goal. You’re not done. I get it but we are missing out on the best part of obtaining our goals, the journey. The part when we learn about ourselves the most. The part where we can pinpoint the pivotal moment that helped us get to the goal. This outlook also helps with failures. There are lessons in every failure. So, you didn’t obtain the goal but what do you know now that will ensure you hit the next one? That’s one powerful approach to life. What can break that person?

Food for thought….you do the dishes.