The Fight That Is Fought Within

The Fight That Is Fought Within

It’s always a fight to do what we want to do. Not the easy stuff like eating when hungry, laying down when tired, or speaking when wanting to be heard. I’m talking about going to that open mic. Entering that contest. Starting that business. Why is that? It’s the fight that is fought within. It’s a constant battle of you believing you can but not doing it because you’ve convinced yourself that you don’t actually have to do it. I mean, you already know you can…there is no need to do it, right? 😒 That’s the first fight. If you have not done so already, you need to win that today. It’s nonsense.
You ever get the feeling every time you get set to do something beneficial to your future some obstacle pops up? You get a call. It’s hot. It’s cold. It’s too late in the day. It’s too early in the morning. You could always do it later. (Oh, and later never happens) It’s all bs. It’s a subconscious thing that is basically there to deter you from anything except staying in routine. What can you do? What’s the secret?
Well, it is nothing easy at all but it works…Fight!
Sitting on your butt, procrastination, self-doubt are things you’ll have to constantly fight. As far as routine, you need to make positive effort a routine. The negative routine will begin to stick out. It will irritate you thus giving you the kick in the butt needed to rid yourself of it. No, it will not happen overnight. Keep at it. Yes, you will fail but so what? Keep pushing. I told you it was a fight. It’s not a thumb wrestling competition. You want your dream or desire to come true you have to grab, scratch, and claw because no matter what it is you are not the only one who wants it.
In closing, conquer the fight that is fought within before you get knocked out! You have external battles to fight. It doesn’t stop. You just get better.

Food for thought…you do the dishes!