Hi Haters!

Hi Haters!

Last week was for the lovers…this one is for the haters. Some people are falsely labeled a hater. Yes, I’m aware. This is an unfortunate result of many people believing the world is against them and confuse any criticism toward them as hate. This should not be taken negatively for they know not what they do. Speaking truth or sharing constructive criticism is not hating. Now, back to the haters. Legitimate haters. The people who wake up to hate. The people who live to watch others fail or give up. The people who somehow gain some form of accomplishment through the misfortune of others they envy or dislike. The issue with hating is it leaves no room for improvement of self.

You can’t have a focus on others journeys to the point of obsession and give yourself enough attention to improve yourself and your surroundings. They’ll never hate on a homeless person. The person in the beat-up car. The person working a minimum wage job. They wouldn’t work for 2 times that amount. They hate people who are or will be doing better than them. It’s that simple. Start to recognize that the hate is admiration with a mask on.

The mask comes off based on how you see that person. Are they a threat to your self-esteem or not? Jay-Z marrying Beyoncé? No problem. Your boss hosting the holiday party at their mansion? Fine. Bill Gates being worth 50+ billion dollars? Cool. Family/friends/former associates dating one of the best-looking people you’ve even seen, living in a house you couldn’t buy, with a career you didn’t have the guts to attempt…. not so easy to take, huh? Get over yourself and take that mask off. You may learn something. If they are family or friends, ask a question. If you are watching from a far, do some research. Try to be what you admire. You admire the success of that person not the person. There is no reason to hate that person. It’s a lost cause. You are losing sleep, stressing, and feeling bad about yourself based on how great someone else’s life is. How does that sound out loud? Say it. Yeah, pretty bad.

Yes, you are a hater. This is not a death sentence. It’s fixable. Staying a hater is the issue. Denial of your Hatership (😊) is also bad. Jealously and envy are real emotions. They happen but as we age we should learn to better understand our emotions. Why are we jealous? Are we envious? Are we sure it’s not regrets or just a little internal embarrassment? Maybe someone’s life makes you feel like you are less than but is their success the issue or your self-esteem? Some of us have trouble with being honest with others but as an adult it’s dangerous to be dishonest with yourself. Get to know yourself. Spend time with yourself. What would you like to do in life? What makes you happy? Once you do this, you will have no time to be engulfed in the life of others. You’ll be too busy.

In closing, its sucks being a hater. You live in this box of misery while the successful people you hate on use you as fuel to become even more successful. They even thank you for it. What a slap in the face. (🤣) You’d think no one would want that job but it seems to be takers all over this world. I don’t get it. Please, if you have a little hater in you, be honest with yourself and turn it around. Admit you are an admirer of success and chase it.

Food for thought……you do the dishes.