Money Isn’t Everything….Right?

Money Isn’t Everything….Right?

There is nothing worse than experiencing money issues. Well, one thing is worse and that is hearing a rich/wealthy person say “Money isn’t everything” while going through it. If you are doing okay financially, try to remember not to utter those words in public. What you are attempting to say is problems still exists after you get it. Yes, that is true but in my years of growing up poor to living a little better, I’ve never met a poor person that wouldn’t trade their problems for that of a rich person. I’ve also never ran into a financially stable person willing to deal with the issues of a poor person. What does that tell me? What should it tell you? Money is pretty damn important.

I understand some may take issue with me stating nothing is worse than experiencing money issues. What about health? Well, being sick with medical insurance is a lot better than being sick and trying to push through it because you are worrying about how you’ll pay for the emergency room visit. Money is the ultimate enabler. It doesn’t do much by itself, but it can get you anything and anywhere on earth if you have enough of it. It allows us to do the things we say are more important than money. It gives us memories that last forever. It brings family and friends together and allows the introduction to new ones. The love of money is not all bad. It depends on what the love is for. Is it the opportunity it presents or the power you believe it will give you? If it’s the power you want, you are most likely looking for respect and having money is not going to give it to you. What you usually get with money is envy, disdain, jealously, and lots of people around you in hopes some of that money finds its way to them. That doesn’t sound too cool, but it’s better than choosing between gas or dinner, right?

Money was created by man. It’s not a natural thing. What did we do before money? Barter. We shared our time and skills for food, land, material things and other peoples time and skills. So, if we got rid of money right now how well would you do? What skills do you have that you can trade for something else? If the answer is nothing this should sound off an alarm in your head. With no skills, the only thing you have is time. Unfortunately, that is exactly what everyone else with no skills has to offer which diminishes the value of your time. This also makes money extremely important in your life. You trade your time for money. A goal I have/had is not to only have money but to put myself in position to live well if money did not exist. Yes, you can use money to get to this point. Buying land allows you to plant food to trade. Buying books can give you expertise that you can use and/or trade for other knowledge. Purchasing multi-family housing would allow you to offer shelter to others who can offer you a plethora of things that can be used by yourself and the entire community.

In closing, within the system with live in today money is everything. It shouldn’t be but if money didn’t exist 90+% of us would not be ready for the change. I do believe it is a great goal to position yourself to live that life. If you sit and think about it, being able to live that life is true wealth. That should be the goal. You don’t like that money is everything? Get to the point in life where it isn’t anymore. Congratulations, in advance.

Food for thought…. you do the dishes.