You’ve Been Programmed for that Job You Hate

You’ve Been Programmed for that Job You Hate

Allow me to take you back to before you could remember. You are a child. You know your name. You may be able to spell some words, but reading is definitely not your thing. You are a toddler who is a day away from kindergarten. Okay, now that we are here…. why are we here? This is the beginning of your programming for that job you hate. You still want to be a Prince/Princess or Superhero when you grow up, but this world has other ideas for you. It has a system that will make you a willing participant in working your entire life away. Going through the educational system was one of your most detrimental experiences. You unwittingly came out of it with damaged potential and an external based self-esteem.

How? From the age of 4 you’ve been programmed to wake up Monday-Friday, sit in a building for 7-8 hours, and be told what to do. You are told to respect authority (blindly) and not to question it. You are forced fed an education that doesn’t prepare you for royalty, being a superhero, or anything else you could dream off. You are given terrible food. A diet you most likely continued through adulthood. You must pass a weekly test on this useless information and are told you are a failure if you cannot remember 65% or more of it. Why are you not able to regurgitate this useless information the person teaching you doesn’t agree with? It sounds crazy because it is, and you do this for 12 more years. 13 years of conditioning. 13 years of their structure. 13 years away from your thoughts, curiosity, and creativity. 13 years away from yourself. 13 years of your first 18. Doesn’t that sound dangerous?

It’s extremely dangerous. My goal is not to scare you into a ball in the corner. My goal is to set off an alarm before it’s too late to get up. In case you’ve hit snooze, here are a few more. You are still used to getting something for conforming to the system. It used to be getting on the principal’s list and getting promoted to the next grade. Now it’s getting a raise while being promoted to the next level. You still look outward for validation. You have been killing it at work, but your boss gets the credit. They take the team out for dinner, take time out of the dinner to recognize you, and give you a trophy. You are jumping for joy. Why? You are still dependent on the system. You needed k-12 to get to the college you needed to get the job that you need. ☹ Do you see the hoops you are jumping through? The need never goes away. This defeats the point of working but in this system very few get the opportunity to stop. You still celebrate Fridays. You give 5 days of your life away weekly and you’re happy and feel privilege to get 2 to yourself. Well, really one because you spend the second day dreading the fact Monday is coming. You still blindly respect authority and don’t dare question it. You may talk tough with co-workers but if that manager has the power to take your paycheck which provides for your family, that talk isn’t so tough.

In closing, if you didn’t see this as an issue until today, I apologize. I’m not sorry I told you, but I apologize for it not being explained to you earlier. Most of us have been conditioned this way including myself. It is only a death sentence if you never try to escape it. Many feel the more you make, the better equipped you are to escape it but that is absolutely false. It is way easier to replace a 20k-60k salary via online work or freelance jobs than it is to replace a hefty $100,000+ one. You can easily make 20k-60k with the time to sit, think, plan, and execute. The only thing stopping you is the 13 out of 18 years of conditioning. Dare to break away and understand that the people around you will not understand. Start your escape plan now. Begin to save 6 months of expenses, find 2 investments, and make a list of 3 other ways to make money. Start to dabble in them while you save. Begin to live it with the safety of your job. When you hit that number, leave. If your job is affecting your health, leave after you hit 3 months. You’ll feel better in 2 weeks. If you are going to stress, stress in attempt to stay out of the system not to stay in it.


Food for thought…. You do the dishes!