The Importance of Networking

The Importance of Networking

If you are going to do anything in this world in the realm of entrepreneurship or the corporate sector you are going to be forced out of your comfort zone. It will be kind of a rite of passage. Of the many obstacles you may be hit with a very common hurdle is a vital, natural step. It is networking. It varies in difficulty for some, but it never is an easy hump to get over. It affects both introverts and extroverts. Yes, introverts tend not to want to speak to anyone, but most extroverts tend to forget who they are when it comes to throwing the insignificant talk to the side and start talking business.

Let’s discuss the irony of this issue. Most go through life wondering if they are the only ones like them but networking in the field you enjoy will prove you are wrong immediately. Those who stay wondering are not networking. There are people with the same aspirations as you. There are people who have done what you aspire to do. They are people who specialize in complementary parts to what you do. Let’s take my industry for example. In music, the circle you have is artists, writers, producers, and fans (consumers). Yes, that is the main circle. The complementary circle is astounding and abundant. Managers, engineers, videographers, photographers, marketers, promoters, club owners, security, fashion designers, influencers, models, radio personalities, DJs, executives, just to name a few. How can you ever be successful not knowing any of these people? You can’t.

A better question is how can you be successful without them knowing you? You won’t. If you are selling food, you need to know event planners, food critics, and people who are most likely to buy your product. If you make clothing you need to know models to wear it, photographers to shoot it, and the people who are most likely to buy your product. You see the common theme yet? Quick sidebar: Even if you desire to start a non-profit you still need funding. Money is needed in all business. People want money so bad until it’s time to charge someone for something or ask a person for it. Let’s try to get rid of that stigma.

Whatever business or venture you choose you should be able to do two things. One is pull together all pieces needed to deliver your product or service. The other is the ability to sell it. Networking gives you both but you are terrified. No, you are not scared of talking. Not scared of strangers. Not afraid of your business. It’s just the combination of the three that seems to be this insurmountable obstacle. Well, I’m sure you have an idea that it’s not insurmountable. You just need to do it. In the beginning, it will be like the first day at a new job. After a while, you’ll be the vet in the room networking on auto-pilot.

In closing, I want to give you some baby steps/tips to getting yourself out there. One, would be to embrace social media. Go one at a time. It can be a lot if you are not into it, but you can meet people from all over the world that are in your industry. You also get to speak to them without being face to face which would take away the majority of the fear. The second tip would be to record yourself. That way you get used to hearing and seeing yourself. You’ll be very critical. Your own voice will creep you out for a little because you don’t sound like you think you do.

Soon you’ll get used to it and start to focus on your delivery and body language. Once you clean up any discovered issues you’ll be super confident in person because you’ll know exactly what others are seeing and hearing. Final tip. Let’s not forget that you are an important piece of someone’s circle. They need you too. You are not bothering anybody. If you go to a social gathering, people are gathered there to be social. Have fun. Relax. Get a drink. Start shaking hands and exchanging information.

Food for thought…. you do the dishes.