Become an Expert

Become an Expert

People tend to want to thrive without work. Thrive without discipline. Thrive without skill. Outside of winning the lottery, you have zero shot at doing this. It’s easy to look at a professional and state “Oh, that must be nice”. Well, it sure as hell is and they deserve every bit of it. Do you understand the time and dedication that went into that person becoming a pro? Do you feel you deserve what they have? What work did you put in to get it? What risk did you take? What sacrifices have you made? Have you become an expert? Have you mastered what you do? There is power in knowing your skill level at something can feed yourself and others for as long as you live. The issue is not many do it.

Ignorance is expensive. Let’s say your HVAC/air conditioner goes out. You don’t go opening your furnace and begin unplugging and moving things. You call an expert. That expert doesn’t need to sell themselves. They don’t come to you for business. You ask them to come out to assess the situation. They proceed to charge you for coming. Not fixing the issue, for coming out. If they fix the issue, they’ll charge you more. If the problem is something common like a capacitor replacement, you could be looking at a $100-$200 fee for the service. The average cost of a capacitor? About $20. It’s not about the cost of the part. It’s the fact you can’t do it and you need to call someone who can. That person can charge 5 to 10 times the cost of the part because their time and expertise say they can. Your lack of knowledge about the issue says you pay.

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I’m a lover of sports. Athletes are also experts. They make millions sometimes 10’s of millions of dollars a year because they are experts at the sport they play. Some ask why? Why should they make so much money? Who are they helping? It’s just a game. This money should go to public servants. They are the real heroes. Athletes make the money because of multiple reasons. Yes, they are extremely talented(work). They’ve played the game most of their life(discipline). There are not many that can replace them, if any(skill). They also generate a tremendous amount of money from people who love to watch them play. Not only in person, but on television which is why a superstar in any major sport in the USA can clear 30 million dollars annually just from their sport of expertise. A cool perk of being an expert is the opportunity to make additional money because of it. Your favorite athletes aren’t in those commercials because of their great acting skills. They are there because whether you realize it or not you associate them with excellence/mastery and you also assign that to everything they are associated with. Many corporations pay millions of dollars for thier product to be associated with that excellence. It’s the best icing on the cake of becoming an expert: Free money.

In closing, becoming an expert should be the goal when it’s comes to your chosen job or profession. You can make it a requirement. You make music? Master a skill or two in music. You sell homes? Perfect spotting the best feature of each one you step in. If you are selling anything know everything about it. No, you do not need to do these things but if you don’t, remember that it was your choice and someone else will make the decision to do so. Keep the ill feelings and “must be nice” statements to yourself. You chose to be average. You chose to just get by. Life can be difficult, but effort is all on you. Don’t go looking around and wonder why others have things you want. Take the time and make the commitment to be great at what you do. You can then look around and know why you have what you want.

Food for thought…. You do the dishes.

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