Do What You Want To Do

Do What You Want To Do

The title was almost “Do What the Hell You Want to Do” but I didn’t want potential new readers to judge a book by its cover and run from reading the blog. I also didn’t want to go with the generic “Follow Your Dreams.” It’s a little deeper than that. You need to be happy. If your dreams are just that and not something you actually want to put the work in to get it then keep them there. Do that. Be happy dreaming. Not everyone is the dream it, do it type. Most are totally fine living an “average” or what we call average life. Then there are those who are okay with chasing a dream with the risk of failing and living a below average life. Risking everything for the chance of wanting for nothing. In this world, it really is “pick your poison.” That’s why I’ve come to the realization that people should focus on being happy.

No, I’m not saying be irresponsible and careless. Let’s not go crazy. There are repercussions for every choice in life. If you choose not to follow your dream, then you must learn to deal with the “what if” and the possible disappointment of never trying. No, you didn’t fail but it’s because you didn’t try. You chose the work until you can’t or don’t have to route which is the most common road. No shame in that. Nothing about that is less than but there is also nothing extraordinary about it. The key is being happy. If you are loving life and don’t feel a void, you are winning. Keep it going. Live happy and stay healthy.

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For the chosen few like me who decided or will be deciding to take their shot at extraordinary, you have picked the road less traveled and you’ll have to pave it yourself. Yes, you have no boss. No one tells you what to do. You move how and when you want to move. It feels great. It is also a great responsibility and one of the scariest things you will ever do. It is all on you. No company cutting you a check just for showing up for 40 or so hours a week. No built-in vacation times. No how-to booklet. You are basically always “working”. You are constantly thinking, game planning, learning, networking, budgeting, amongst life outside of pursuing your dream. Oddly, through all of this you are happy. I did mention this is the chosen few.

I can see how this would make someone unhappy enough to walk away or not pursue it at all. It’s not all glitz and glamour. It’s more like being in the dark and constantly attempting to turn a light on. It seems hopeless at times, but you know it just must be a switch somewhere around. You tell yourself when you hit it everything you ever needed, wanted, and couldn’t dream of will be there with you. It sounds like a fairytale but those who’ve done it will tell you it’s 100% fact.

In closing, we need to start getting serious about our happiness. We are chasing things for other people, old versions of ourselves, and societal ideals. We cannot live for others and be completely happy. We need to address the real. The real is you. The real is knowing that the glamorous affluent life you dream about may be too much work/stress for you to acquire. The real is acknowledging that some of the perks that come with that life will not likely be part of your life.

For a few, the real is knowing you have no shot at making it in the normal 9-5 job structure. The real is admitting to yourself that you’d rather risk everything for the chance of wanting for nothing. Whatever the choice is make sure it leads to happiness. Are you happy? Are you killing yourself chasing something you really don’t want? Would you be happier doing something else? Have many lives do you have? Only one? Well, it’s seems that you may have some changes to make. Understand your choice and be happy.

Food for thought…. You do the dishes.

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