Paths Out of Poverty

Paths Out of Poverty

Poverty is an issue I saw as a child and continue to see as an adult. The levels of poverty in one’s life can change but one must recognize they are in it to get out of it. Growing up in the inner city, we had people who lived in shelters, 1-bedroom apartments with 2 other families, 3-bedroom apartments in a multifamily home, and some lucky ones who lived in single-family homes, but we all lived in the same neighborhood. All dealing with the same danger, anxiety, and lack. Was anyone really living much better than the other? We were all living in poverty just different levels. So how do you get out of it? What is it? It seems to be relative and it is. A person living in NYC can making 80k/year but require a roommate to make ends meet. That same 80K in Mississippi can support a family of 5 while paying a mortgage on a 5br/5ba home. The quick and easy answer out of poverty is making more money. The complexity is in the many ways to make and/or stretch money. Let discuss…

The definition of Poverty is twofold. There are 2 types. Absolute poverty is the deprivation of basic needs (Water, Food, Sanitation, Clothing, Shelter, Healthcare, and Education). Relative poverty is an economic inequality in the location or society in which people live. Now, knowing the actual definition, have you or do you live in poverty? The USA will have you think because you make a salary more than what they say the poverty line is you are not impoverished but know you know better. Making 50k+/yr but having to skim on healthcare or live with a roommate is not exactly living without deprivation. Paying to live in a big city, only to come outside to filth on the sidewalks and streets is lacking in the basic need of sanitation. Are you comfortable drinking water straight from the faucet? How great does the produce look in your neighborhood market? How good are the schools in your area? You get the point. You may not be poor, but you may be living poor which means you are living in poverty.

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So how do you get out? Of course, more money can uproot you to a better place but as stated earlier the complexity comes with how. You can always go with the stretch option. Moving out of a major city to a suburb can give you more bang for your buck. Bigger living quarters for less will more than improve your basic need of shelter. Less people usually mean cleaner areas. Less people can also mean cleaner water and better food options. All of this with more money in your pocket will have you asking yourself what took so long? Let’s get back to making more money. First step will be effort. If you just recognized you may be living in poverty, that should be motivation enough, but you must try. You have to hustle. No one wants to be poor, but some people don’t want to be poor more than others. They go the extra mile. Learn a skill that you can monetize. You like to draw? Sell your artwork or sell your services and draw what others want. Find a product(s) that you believe in and sell it online. You love shoes, clothes, or makeup? So does millions of other people that will buy it. Do you happen to have a little money put aside for savings?

Well, I’ll share a secret and tell you savings will keep you poor. That may not be a popular statement but saving money just doesn’t accrue interest fast enough to be an attractive option. What you should be doing is investing. If you don’t want to do the traditional stock market thing, there is cryptocurrency, real estate, and private businesses. You can buy into anything. You live a life with all these rules and restrictions in your head and they are false thoughts. It’s just not true. You can use your money (no matter the amount) to make more money. Look it up or write me and we can bounce some ideas back and forth.

In closing, there are many things in life we tend to miss because we are so stuck in our everyday lives. We need to learn to stop, unplug, and realize that we are in control. We can change most of the lack in our life. Stopping and unplugging, will allow you to access your situation and address the issues that get pushed to the back by things that don’t matter as much but life has told us it does. Make a declaration today to stop that. You decide what is important. You point out what should be and work to make it so or you can choose to stay plugged in and ignore the lack because…… well, I’ve got no excuse for that. You shouldn’t either.

Food for thought…. You do the dishes!

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