Check On Your People

Check On Your People

We all tend to have a lot going on in life at any given time. When things do calm down for a little, we are so drained from the whirlwind we just escaped that we shut the world out to regroup for the next one. If we understand that process, we’ll understand that this leaves no time for anyone that is not involved in our everyday routine. The friends from high school/college/past jobs no longer get the calls or visits they used to. This means the family you grew up with, now in another state, doesn’t hear from you much. You are so focused on you and your everyday battle that you forget there are people you care about going through battles themselves. I know some people like to go through the storms in private and pop up after they’ve made it through but for those who do that, know not everyone makes it through. Would the unlucky ones have weathered the storm if they reached out to a loved one?

You don’t choose family. You are just born into one. Friends and associates are chosen. You meet these people and decide they’re cool and you want them around. You move or change jobs and they’re out? Not cool anymore? Too hard to reach out to now? We never have a great answer we just chuck it up to being busy. If you sat down and counted the number of people you liked to be around since high school and stop communicating without an issue being the cause, you’d suprise and disappoint yourself. I’m not stating that all of these people would be your best friend but you’d at worst have a network of associates that you’ve known for years. How great would it be knowing you can reach out to people in many different professions, economic statuses, and cultures with one phone call? You also have the built-in history with them which allows you to be comfortable in whatever the topic of conversation may be. These relationships can be kept with an exchange of contact information in person or social media. A simple text or direct message to these people will keep that line of communication open for whenever you are thinking about one another or need each other. Check on your people.
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When it comes to family, I get that everyone doesn’t have great relationships with the entire family but the great relationships are priceless. Similar to the chosen family (friends/associates), you decided you love having these people around but you are related to them. It’s something special having a friend you are related to. You may be more comfortable sharing some things you are going through with people who’ve already seen your most embarrassing moments. They’ve known you all your life or you’ve known them all of theirs depending on age. There are very few secrets and not a lot of tongues need to be bitten if something needs to be said. You can make it big in life but your family knows the kid who was afraid of the dark, cried when a parent left, and only moisturized the skin that was showing. You really can’t come at them with the bs you can trick some friends or associates with. You need that in this world. Check on your people.

In closing, we need to utilize the gifts in the form of people we get in this world. We need to attempt to be more willing to seek assistance, even if it’s just an ear to listen or shoulder to lean on when going through things. It will only make you stronger while going through it and closure after getting through it. If you happen to have family alive 2 generations above you take time to build a relationship with them. Get as much information about your family as you can. Names of family no longer here, the cites, states, countries those people lived in. Old family stories, recipes, sayings, traditions. It should come from them. In this age of information, there is a lot of it that is false and useless. Don’t let a company tell you who you are, where you’re from, and what your people have done. Get the goods from the goods. Check on your people.

Food for thought….you do the dishes.
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