Lessonless Tribulations

Lessonless Tribulations

You live and learn. It’s a never-ending cycle. As an adult, you grow accustomed to issues, stretches of bad luck, or roadblocks but you tend to learn from them and come out on the other side better overall. They allow one to accept that things happen and it’s no big deal “this” happened to me. You know, another general statement we make that fits in with the “part of growing up” statements. We try to make sense of everything that occurs in life, which is a human trait. Our minds along with all of our senses do it. Then there is this ridiculous phenomenon of Lessonless Tribulations. Lessonless tribulations are by far the most annoying occurrences in life.

I’m not aware if everyone goes through this but if you are moving in life or attempting to, you run into this. You are in a mode of go, go, go and don’t take time to analyze obstacles. You simply focus on addressing them and moving on. You know the next one is coming so the current issue doesn’t get special treatment. Every now and then, you get a little time to sit and think about the recent issues and attempt to get your lesson from them. I mean there is no sense in suffering for nothing, right? You get to this one issue and you think and think. You dig and try to replay the situation and….nothing. You cannot find a nugget of knowledge or parcel of strength. It was just a deterrent. A time-waster. Anonymous hate and no person to even suspect. Being human you try to find answers. Is it the people who want to see you fail? Is their energy strong enough to muster up some roadblocks? Does or can it work that way? I was almost there until I thought about people who haven’t shared their goals with anyone. If they experience lessonless tribulations then the theory is dead huh? Yeah, I guess but it’s something and I want to get to the bottom of it.

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There is so much about life we don’t understand and the more we think the more answers have to make sense. The generic answers just don’t cut it anymore. As you overcome issue after issue, you feel generalities don’t apply. You are attempting to do things in life most don’t and in turn, expect things from life that most would not. One of those things being specific, logical answers. I’m not saying you get them but that doesn’t stop the expectation. How does one with such expectations and requirements of logical occurrences survive in such a world? I don’t believe there is just one way. I think that each of us creates a way to deal with it. The most common I believe is making up a reason and moving on. Another way would be to continue to think it through to find the lesson but I feel this is another waste of time because you end up going back to making up a reason and moving on. The last option is losing it. Do lose it. These issues with a lack of reason can cripple you. It can make you feel like no matter how hard you try, how much caution, or calculations you take you will fail. You wouldn’t take that from a person. You absolutely can’t accept that from a faceless, anonymous coward.

In closing, every issue or roadblock doesn’t come with a lesson. It has no rhyme or reason to it. It could have easily not happened and not change the course of your or anyone else’s life. It is pointless but yes, you can use it. You can make it useful by giving it a face, a name, reasoning. Whatever is necessary. Whatever it is that you need to make it, do it. If it needs to be a hater, cool. If it’s life wanting you to prove you want it, great. God saying not yet? Okay. As long as it keeps you going and focused, it is to your benefit. Don’t let an issue paired with the lack of a lesson take you out of the game. Make it part of the game. Simply adjust, and play ball.

Food for thought…You do the dishes!
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