Starting Over

Starting Over

Life has its ups and downs. That’s the most common statement you’ll hear when someone is trying to give you half-assed advice about life. Life is more of a string of start and finish lines. Extremely crowded at start lines and a ghost town at the finishes. There are many reasons this is the case and I will get into as many as I can while keeping this blog concise. Starting over is scary. It can be frustrating. It may feel like a waste of time. It can feel like an unneeded test. All of these are valid. None of them are good enough reasons not to do it. Cry. Huff and puff. Swear. Crawl. Roll. Do whatever you have to do to get to that start line. This is part of the progression of you. Learning and being willing to do what you’ve already done over and over and over again until you finally get to the finish line is key. Just remember, life is a string of them. You should be in no rush to get to your last finish line.

So, why are starting lines so crowded? Well, everyone is there at one point in their life. You have the people at the line for the first time. These people are happy. They’ve just taken the first step to complete something they want to do. You have the people who have been there and have yet to move. These were happy but are now afraid. Getting there was cool but the next step makes it too real. You then have the people who for one reason or another had to come back to start. These people are usually extremely emotional. Sad. Angry. Irritable. They are this way because of one of the reasons mentioned in the opening paragraph. They have been here before and they are not happy about being veterans at this particular race. You will be all of these people soon, if you have not already. It’s natural to be these people in this order. Why are finish lines ghost towns? First, not many get there. The ones that do finish don’t stay for long. They may hang around for a celebration but shortly after that, they move on to the next start line.

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Now that you understand starting over is a natural process and how the dynamics of starting and finishing work, your next question may be “but why me?” Yes, it makes sense for other people but “I” don’t need to start over. No one feels they should have to start over and yet life sees fit that we all do. Yes, you are special and so is everyone else in their own way so quit the pity party and embrace the restarts. If you are focused on getting to that finish line, you shouldn’t let setbacks or unwanted resets deter you. I’m not saying you shouldn’t get angry, swear, or complain but I am saying that it is only okay if you are setting yourself up on your mark to get set and go… again. Otherwise, you are wasting more time than it would take to restart. Remember, you’ve done this before. You should be an expert starter by now. Use your experience to help yourself. Get it done. Faster, better, and easier than before.

In closing, we see starting over as an inconvenience but it’s one of the best teachers we have in life. It tests us, making us prove we want what we are chasing. It attempts to break us, making us prove we’ll sacrifice for what we are chasing. It humbles us, making us see we should be thankful for the opportunity to even run the race. Once we understand these things, willingly or forcefully, we may get to see that finish line. Yes, may. Remember, the finish line is a ghost town. Sometimes, a start line is a new start line and it doesn’t come after a finish line. Not every race is completed. Don’t throw away the expertise you’ve gained in that other race you didn’t get to finish. That experience is yours to keep and take with you. Get familiar with starting over. Get comfortable with starting over. Get used to and be willing to start over because you are going to have to do it anyway.

Food for thought…You do the dishes.

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