Find Someone Doing Better

Find Someone Doing Better

Why am I telling you to find someone doing better? Well, it’s not dating advice. This is life advice. If you are doing the best in your circle, it needs to expand, and you should make that happen as soon as you can. At a young age, this is pretty easy to accomplish because there is a 90 to 95 percent chance you are broke and/or in debt. Once you are a couple of years (or more) out of your college days your circle gets smaller and you may be doing great. You may be doing the best but that is not that great of news. Yes, you are on the correct path but who do you have to look to when you encounter something you haven’t seen before? Something you couldn’t imagine ever being in your path. Something someone who is doing better than you may have already encountered and conquered.

The first step is doing what it will take to get this person in your circle. If you are doing well, it may be difficult “humbling” yourself to ask a person to open themselves up to your calls/visits to discuss your issues. I mean, you’ve gotten this far without them. Why do you need to do this and what does this person look like? Well, this person or people don’t need to be mentors because that is a two-way commitment that they may not be willing to agree to. The friend/associate approach is usually a lot easier to commit to and will get you that person you need in your circle. They just need to be cool with answering a question or two or be open to bounce an idea or two off. They also need to be at least 5 years or more ahead of where you see yourself today. The further ahead of you, the better. They need to be in a similar field. Yes, fellow entrepreneur counts. This person is not a crutch. Don’t treat them like one. You need to go to them with well-thought-out questions. Ideas of what you believe are the best solutions. Yes, your ideas may suck but you are showing them you are making an effort and not coming to them with nothing expecting to leave the conversation with something. They’ll appreciate it and may give you valuable information they wouldn’t have if you came to them unprepared.

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How will this person help you? How are you helping them? What are you bringing to the table? All great questions. This person is enabling you to bypass unforeseen errors you would have made. They made them and because they are now in your circle you no longer need to make them and suffer the setback. If you are already an entrepreneur you know the value of this. If you are an aspiring one, believe me, this benefit can be worth millions of dollars and/or years of your life. It’s like putting a complex puzzle together. Alone, you are sitting there with all the pieces dumped in front of you. This person is the picture of the completed puzzle on the box. If you play your cards correctly, they’ll also tell you to complete the puzzle on a flat surface. If they really like you, they’ll share the insight to start with the edges and build inward. It’s your choice…of course. I mean, who needs that information? 😀 So, how are you helping them? What are you bringing to the table? You are allowing them to give back. You are allowing them to be the person they wish they had when they were at your stage. You are allowing them to help you grow to the position they are in so you can also pay it forward, in turn, helping more people than they could alone. Your job starts immediately. You are the “someone doing better” to someone. They need you too and they’ll need the same humility and helpful insight to get to where you are as your “someone doing better” provides to you.

In closing, don’t be afraid to reach out to someone who is doing better than you. It does take a little humbling yourself to do this but hopefully, you can do it knowing the benefit of doing so. I’m not a huge fan of the whole “be humble” stance but in this case, it is not for the sake of making someone else feel comfortable about themselves (which I’ll get into in a future blog) so I’m all for it. This step is a cheat sheet. Answers to a test you will most certainly encounter. If you cannot find this person in your life, look for the person on the internet. (Blogs, Podcasts, Scholarly Articles, Forums) There are plenty of strangers out there that just can’t wait to help you. Humble yourself (just a little) and take the help.

Food for thought…You do the dishes.
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