Utilize Your Resources

Utilize Your Resources

Low on resources? Don’t have enough of this or that? Do you catch yourself saying if only I had (fill in the blank) everything would be fine? Well, we all state that. The blank is different. Money, time, a second chance, are the usual suspects but we need to realize that we are always equipped with something. No money usually means an abundance of time allowing you to think of a plan to make some money. No time usually means you have money which enables you to utilize your time the best way possible. A second chance is hard to come by but the best thing you can do is prepare yourself for the possibility of it being granted. The best thing to do after that is refuse to tell yourself everything would fine if… well, anything. That sentence is only going to point out the negative and lack of your situation. You need to try something different.

When in a situation that seems like you are missing one magical ingredient you should start to focus on the ingredients you do have. What are the chances you can get that missing piece? I mean if you could you would, correct? If it is possible it’ll likely take time to acquire and you need to make your current situation better sooner rather than later. There is a 1980’s television show called Macgyver (since rebooted either will work) where this guy has an amazing ability to solve complex problems with seemingly useless resources. He’d create an amazing complex contraption with a rope, a book of matches and a pocket mirror to escape certain death. The show can be a little ridiculous at times, but the point is he used what he had to resolve his current issues. We could learn a lot from that. There is no telling what your current situation is, but you need to look around and create something extraordinary with the ordinary things you have around you. A lot of us suffer for no reason. We are sitting in the middle of a solution, but we don’t what to simply solve the problem. We want to solve it the way we feel the problem should be solved even if we aren’t capable of doing it.

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Are you utilizing the numbers in your phone? Can anyone on that list assist you with a problem or question you have now? Do you have any books that may contain a solution for you literally spelled out…in detail? Have you thought of a solution and disregarded it because it seems too unconventional? Let me answer for you. No. Yes. Yes. Yes. How was that possible? Am I a psychic? It is possible because we all make the same mistakes. There is no need to be a psychic. A few of us get to the point of stepping out of the repetitive loop of self-hinderance. We decide to focus on solving problems with what we have. We realize that our resources are not always in our possession. We realize and accept there is more than one way to solve a problem. Don’t be an additional roadblock in your life. Don’t try to be what you are not. Don’t think you have to be. Utilize your resources.

In closing, utilizing your resources can lift the weight of the world off your shoulders. We tend to worry and stress about things that are not as insurmountable as we make them out to be. A lot of the time we are the ones kicking the problem up the mountain instead of picking it up. Keep it simple and efficient. You need to make a dessert. You told yourself you’d make a cake. You have everything you need to make a cake except baking powder. Well, brownies it is, right?

Food for thought…you do the dishes.
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