The Power of Fear

The Power of Fear

It controls most of us. It paralyzes us. It’s a little more than simply being scared. A scare is a moment. If something startles you, you may freeze or jump but then you come to your senses. Fear lasts more than a moment. It’s more than a scare. Very rarely does the same thing startle you. A loud, house rattling sound of thunder may get you the first time but you realize it’s a storm and more are likely to come. This makes you less likely to jump at the next occurrence. Fear is hearing that first sound of “thunder” with no evidence of rain. Sunshine in the forecast and sun in your eyes. What was that? Where did it come from? Is it coming again? You are more than startled. You’re stuck. In fear of the unknown.

The unknown gets a lot of attention without revealing itself. We wake up afraid of it. Unfortunately, we allow others to use it against us. We allow the media, government, our jobs, and religion (for some of us) to control us with it. The media can tell you a story about a new unknown virus and cause mass hysteria. The government can gain control of the masses based on fear. This can go as far as the masses willingly giving up civil liberties to be “safe.” Jobs treat many of us like we’re expendable and most of us believe it. Fearful of losing a job for which we are overqualified and underpaid. Religion telling you to do “this” or “that” will happen. All playing on your fear of the unknown. They understand the power of fear. It’s time we understand it. Understanding it gives the power back to us. It gives us the understanding we need to seek out the unknown until it reveals itself or is discovered by us.

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The discovery is the liberating part. This makes the unknown sound a sound of thunder during a storm. You begin to understand the situation better. Parts of the unknown come to light and it all begins to make sense. You may not be happy about the discovery but you are not afraid in any way. There is not even a scare. This is what happens when the unknown loses its anonymity. It’s not so big and bad. It’s not so tough. It doesn’t cause paralyzing fear. We need to be comfortable being uncomfortable. It is uncomfortable investigating the unknown but what is the price of staying comfortable? Giving the media the power to inform you about everything. Allowing the government to slowly take away the liberties you’ve had your entire adult life. Giving a job control of your professional life while giving religion control of your personal. That sounds extremely expensive. A little too expensive. The more you investigate the unknown the easier it will be. It will become part of who you are.

In closing, you should attack the unknown but I’m not saying go in wild and blind. Educate and prepare yourself. If you hear a story, research it yourself. Listen to a couple of perspectives and come to a conclusion instead of being spoon-fed a prepared story with the desired spin. Study how governments operate and the history of moves they’ve made both nationally and internationally to be able to identify when things are getting out of hand. You may be the one that has to ring the alarm in your circle, city, or state. Value your time and get good at your desired profession. This will give you the ability to know your value and be willing to leave a job if you are not being treated well. Study religion as a whole. Learn how it has been used in the past and continues to be used. Is your religion leading you with love or fear? Freedom or ultimatums? Did it build you up from the start or tear you down and build you as it saw fit?

Food for thought…You do the dishes.

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