Finding Comfort in Discomfort

Finding Comfort in Discomfort

This world of entrepreneurship is a wonderful world of ridiculousness. You approach the new world with logic after your illogical choice to go against the grain and enter the world of “do it on your own.” It’s like taking what you learned on earth and trying to apply your earthly knowledge to whatever is next. Your decisions make perfect sense to you but they don’t execute as well as you feel they should and sometimes not at all. This causes discomfort but you shouldn’t tear yourself up about it. Oh, and don’t wait for the discomfort to leave. It doesn’t. It’s part of the deal. You get to do what you want to do when you want to do it but you are responsible for everything. Yourself. Your family. Your home. Your car. That is ongoing. You can have a great week, month, year but the minute you stop, life will begin to crumble. This is what you must come to terms with. This is what you must find comfort in. This is your new world.

In past blogs, I’ve mentioned that you are repeatedly hit with these “prove you want it obstacles”. You’ll get good at addressing these swiftly after a spell of being frustrated. At the start, you feel you are just losing time dealing with those pesky suckers. One thing I can tell you is when you get good at dealing with issues as an entrepreneur, you graduate…to more difficult issues. All of the comforts from your pre-entre life (yup, I made it up) will step further away from you. You’ll need to earn them again but via yourself. Excellent credit with the job is great. Do you want to transfer that awesome score to your business? Well, the banks just need 2 years of proof of income showing your awesome business can pay them back.

The only problem is most companies don’t show a profit for the first couple of years so it’ll be 4 to 5 years before your business credit can resemble yours. Well, what yours looked like because most business owners need to borrow money to stay afloat and that can ding your credit. Don’t be discouraged. I’m just giving you a peek behind the curtain. This is the wonderful world of ridiculousness. You may not be comfortable with this. None of us were. You must grow into the person that can find comfort in this uncomfortable mission.

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So, how do you find comfort in discomfort? Well, it will start as a defense mechanism. Most of the things around you will be going the opposite direction of what you want. You’ll start to get irritated and stressed. Your logical thinking will tell you that being irritable and stressed all the time is not best for you. With this understanding, you’ll begin to either learn to not let the bad situations bother you as much or you become numb to them all. One of these will occur. I grew numb but if you can control it attempt to learn to not let them bother you. Becoming numb works great but for both good and bad. You just stay neutral. If you’re generally a happy person this could be the way to go. If you are generally a little grumpy, it will suck to be around you for a while. You’ll need to disengage the numbing skill after you get through the first couple of years of entrepreneurship. This will allow you to enjoy the success you will certainly experience after the stormy beginning.

In closing, this ask is not for everybody. There is a reason people work for companies. There is a reason many try and fail at becoming a successful entrepreneur. It’s hard. Illogical things occur way too much. Problems come out of nowhere. Yes, all these things are true but you also get to live the life you want to live. You have control over your life most of the working world dreams of. You are a boss. Maybe it’s just you right now or very few but one day you’ll be running a small business that can produce just as good as the large one. FYI a small business in the US is classified as a company with 1500 or fewer employees so don’t be insulted. That’s huge. Good luck and learn to be comfortable in discomfort. It’s the only way to make it.

Food for thought…You do the dishes.

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