The Show Must Go On

The Show Must Go On

The world seems to be in a state of pause. People are quarantined in their homes. Businesses are closing. People are being laid off. Unemployment claims are at record highs. People are sick, others are home not knowing if they are or not, the rest at home wondering if there is more to this than what is being shared. Whatever the case, those of us who live an entrepreneurial life must keep pushing. The show must go on. Things change and we must be there adjusting to the new normal. Right now, people are stuck in their homes. So if your business requires face to face meetings, you have some brainstorming to do. If you supply a service that can be sold digitally, your potential customer base has just tripled or more.

Some people are having a hard time. Most of the day is spent worrying. I know the tough talk is not for everyone but for the type A personalities you need to use this time in your favor. Yes, you are in trying times. Yes, it will be hard. No, they aren’t any guarantees. If you aren’t new to being an entrepreneur, what is different? The only thing is that everyone is dealing with a common issue at this time. We all have issues we need to deal with but they are rarely identical to your contemporaries. You can use it to your advantage or you can accept it as a knock out blow. If you can make strides in your business during this time it will be the ultimate confidence booster. You hit a roadblock after this you will know it’s just a matter of time before you think of the solution. The chances of the situation being more surreal than these times are slim. Give yourself this power.

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Type B personalities or the people who don’t push through trying times, don’t approach issues head-on, and doesn’t consider tough love comforting this time can be dreadful. People are hurting. Nothing is consistent. No facts are available. This may be the time to attempt to become a Type AB. It doesn’t exist, yet. It may be possible to get rid of some of your personality traits but to expect to get rid of all traits you’ve been carrying your entire life isn’t realistic. What is possible is to take on some new traits. Something to get you through these times. A new armor to don in a war you’ve never been in. A little boost to the already awesome but timid you. At times, you need to buck up and get things done. As long as you are healthy, you can achieve what you set out to achieve. If you adopt the new trait enough, healthy or not, as long as you can think you’ve got a shot. Get out there and show yourself.

In closing, the show must go on. If you are the breadwinner or head of your household and you choose to pause that is your choice but a bad one. You are giving the competition an advantage. You are allowing bills to pile up. You may be leaning on government handouts for a little while but don’t let that temporary relief set you up for months of stumbling thereafter. The money will go away and your bills will not. Adjust to the world. It is still turning. You are still breathing. The show must go on.

Food for Thought…You do the Dishes.
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