Rejection is Not a Reflection

Rejection is Not a Reflection

No. We are not interested. We are going in a different direction. We’ll contact you in the future. There has been a delay. At times, no response at all. Let’s not forget the nasty replies or flat out lies either. Rejection. Man, it sucks. It keeps many of us from putting ourselves in a position to have to deal with any form of it. The bold ones who don’t mind hearing no for the pursuit of a yes can get pretty beat up in the process.
This can cause them to stop the pursuit of the yes. As bad or worse than stopping, in my opinion, starting to look at yourself as the reason for rejection. I’m not talking to the people who are still learning. I’m not talking to people who are not very talented yet persist in attempting to accomplish more than their skills warrant. I’m talking to the people who are ready and super talented. You know who you are. I want to tell you that rejection is in no way a reflection of you.

Let’s think about your issue. I can’t say for certain but most likely you are in a position where you need a yes or opportunity given to you before you can display your talents. It can be in an office setting, entertainment, sports, or an entrepreneurial venture. Your talent is something that pertains to an industry that has barriers to entry. The yes or opportunity is the key for all to see just how great you are. You see all of these people with keys and no one seems to want to loan or give you one. The irony of all these keys being on display is eating at you daily. Why would these people who will seemingly benefit from discovering talent like yourself be so hesitant about allowing it? Well, it can be a multitude of reasons but the most common are fear, control, and money. One or more of these three are the reasons for your issue.

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Fear as in fear of you excelling passed them. People tend not to mind you being successful but the thought of you being more successful causes a little unease. If you’ve exposed your talent in some way, people can gauge your potential. This may have them think you are good but not a threat to reaching their heights and they may reach out and give you that “key”. It’s easier for the masses to help someone they believe is beneath them than it is to help someone that could become better off than them because of that assistance. It a selfish but common trait. Control meaning not being able to control you. You can become the biggest star in the world but if you can be controlled you are not a threat to the person in control. That person in control will gladly give you a “key” with no threat of your trajectory.
You can get as popular and powerful as you want but the person with the real power knows that if you get a little too full of yourself they have the power to humble you. This is very prevalent in my industry. The music industry is full of control relationships. You know the artist. The person you may not know is the one who gave that artist the opportunity. That opportunity came at the cost of control. Pay attention the next time an apparently powerful artist is complaining about some aspect of their life on social media when they should have 100% control of that situation. Surprise, they don’t. Money as in making money off of you. Similiar to control, if a person can make money off of you the issue of you excelling and getting the top of an industry is not a concern to a person that has the power to hand you a “key”. Some of these people want control along with the money so realize you may run into a greedy keyholder.

In closing, I spell all this out because I don’t want it to be a surprise when you encounter it. If you’ve busted your behind getting really good to great at what you do, don’t be afraid of rejection. You know it’s not the talent. It could be fear. They don’t want you to be better then they are. It could be control. If they see they cannot control you, you may be getting a no. It can be money. If they are not getting any funds for their good deed, forget about it. You can do one of three things. Continue to push through until a person gives you a key, take away the fear by giving someone control and allowing them to make money off of you, or busting your tail some more to create your own key. It is a tough decision and I won’t make it for you. Each decision has its consequences and nothing is certain. No matter what you choose remember rejection is not a reflection of you.

Food for thought…You do the dishes!

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