When Your Choice Chooses You

When Your Choice Chooses You

You choose to pursue something and it tends to be a 100% courting situation. You are chasing it. You are attempting to convince it that you are worthy of it. You are giving up or ignoring other things to show that it is all you want. This we are used to. Most of us never get pass this stage. There is another. It is the time where your choice chooses you. This is a great moment but I’m not going to discuss that side. I’m going to dive into the side that I’ve never heard anyone talk about. I want to explain how this moment is also the moment you realize it is now your only choice.

This may make more sense if I give it some context. This can happen in any relationship but the context for this blog is the relationship between you and your aspiration to do something different. Moving to a new city. Buying a home or investment property. Leaving your job to start your own company. I’m going to use my situation to explain. I left the corporate world to focus 100% on my companies. It is a great honor to be able to announce that it’s almost my 2nd anniversary of leaving. I wanted my own. I wanted to prove that I can do “it” on my own. I wanted to be my boss. Now that I’m almost 2 years in, I can tell it has chosen me. It’s cool. It’s like 90% great. The other 10% is not hard work, pressure, or intense responsibility. It is the fact I’ve given up everything else to get it. Yes, everything that I willingly quit or ignored to get it.

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No, I don’t want to go back but it did feel good in the beginning knowing I could at any time. The choice was comforting. After 2 years, moving a step back is more of a leap. It’s not that realistic of a move. Yes, I can still do it but I’ve been gone for a while. Leaving the industry for another is just as good as being unemployed in their eyes. In addition, I’ve been moving and doing as I saw fit for that same period and granting that kind of authority to someone else doesn’t seem very plausible. It’s a weird situation but it all boils down to losing a safety net. You never wanted to need the net but you knew it was there. Seeing that it is gone is not something you should dwell on but you should understand that the net was for the old you. Your old life. You chose to leave it behind for something better. You have a new life and it has finally accepted you. Now you must create or re-create all the comforts your old life gave you. You are in a new relationship. You don’t get the perks of your old one. You also don’t have to deal with the reasons you left that old relationship. Grasp that and you’ll be ready to accept and enjoy your new life/relationship. That 90% will turn to 100% and you can rejoice in what you’ve been reaching for finally reaching back.

In closing, many people know how to dream. People know the chase. Not many get to the honor of being chosen by their choice. It’s a beautiful thing. It’s is also an honor to have the equivalent of a “rich person” problem in talking about the issues that come with being accepted by the new life you chose. Everyone has a choice. Everyone makes choices. It’s nice to be able to discuss your choice choosing you and the small mess that comes with it.

Food for thought…You do the dishes.
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