You’re Really Good at That

You’re Really Good at That

You know that thing you do extremely well but think nothing of it? It’s like a scar on your knee from childhood. It’s been there so long you don’t even notice it. It’s not even something you brag about. You’ve bragged about things that you weren’t as good at but this seems to be something you either take for granted or don’t see as something impressive enough to brag about. Why is that?

I mean, you’re really good at that. Do you believe someone would make fun? Do you feel everyone is just as good? Do you see it as a frivolous skill or ability? That is what they used to say that about trivia masters and video game players until really popular, skilled ones begin to rake in millions a year. Turns out, it wasn’t that frivolous. So how about your talent that doesn’t get that much love or attention from you? Is it time to reassess? Yes.

In this world, you must appreciate and hone your skills. If you see that something comes very easy for you, you should use that skill or talent to the fullest extent. You may think oh, but it’s just this little old thing I do for family or friends. It’s just something I do when I bored. It’s only something I do on special occasions but no big deal. It’s just this, just that, or a little old thing because you’ve made it that. There are people in this world who could benefit from your skill if you’d simply take it seriously and share it with the world. There are people on tv playing sports you’ve never heard of and getting paid for it but your art isn’t good enough to share with the world?

Your food shouldn’t be in a restaurant? You don’t think your music should be on the radio, in movies, or on television? You don’t think people would enjoy watching you and your friend argue about current events, politics, or sports? Why not? All of that is going on right now and could be lacking a bit because you aren’t part of it.

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Let’s say this piece gets you to give it a little more attention. Now what? Well, you’ll be a lot happier. Doing something you enjoy and are very skilled at doing more often always does the trick. That happier person will then be okay with taking the time to sit and think about monetizing that skill. Yes, it will take work and there will be peaks and valleys which is why enjoying it and being good will help exponentially. The whole saying about doing something you love and never working a day in your life is not 100% true. It’s just that you don’t mind the work. You don’t always feel like you’re working but there is work in everything.

Your joy gets you through the times when the feeling of work creeps up. I understand there are readers with lots of different skill-sets so I will not give a common example. Let’s take a wild skill. Let’s say you are very good at mocking your friends and family members. You can mimic a good 10-15 people in your circle. It’s cool but you feel it’s useless. Well, in entertainment it’s called an impersonator. An impersonator can work as a comedian, stand up, or prankster. You can be an actor, theater, or on-screen. Let’s make it more difficult and say you are an introvert. You can be a voice-over actor. You can give life plenty of characters and joy to millions without them ever seeing your face. This skill doesn’t sound too useless to me.

In closing, you’ve gone long enough ignoring what is probably your meal ticket in this life. I could ask why again but whatever the reason is, it’s not good enough so I’ll spare you. I ask that you give that skill a lot more attention, get even better at it, and monetize it. You deserve to give yourself that outlet and the chance to be more self-sufficient even if it’s just slightly. You never know how far it can take you. Get to it because honestly, you are really good at that.

Food for Thought…You do the dishes.

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