The Law of Recognition

The Law of Recognition

The law itself seems as simple as differentiating black from white. The actual practice of it is another story. Many of us have been in the situation of discovering something we’ve been looking for being right under our noses. Regardless of those experiences, we tend to embrace the thought of moving to find or achieve something. We are immediately convinced that this want or need will take effort and effort means work and work means it’s hard so we make it so.

Think of wanting to see a waterfall in person and getting on a computer to book a trip to Niagra Falls. Planning, saving money, the time it takes to go, the money you spend there, lots of effort because this is what we feel we must do. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a beautiful site but, if you don’t live within 100 miles of it you’re driving by or flying over a good amount of them. This is what we do but why? We don’t apply the Law of Recognition.

The law of recognition is used a lot in many different aspects of life. In religion, it’s used explaining the choice of picking someone to guide you on a spiritual journey. You may or may not be religious but consider it as looking for a mentor. If you read my blogs or watch my Youtube videos, you know I’m not too fond of looking for mentors in the traditional sense but you may have a person in your life that can guide you to what you want and through the challenges on your way to them. Instead of realizing that, you’re praying for guidance or jumping from church to church looking for what you already have. Entrepreneurs use it in pursuing abundance. Recognizing your talent and developing it. Finding a need or hole in your industry of choice and filling it. Seeing an opportunity and pouncing on it.

Life coaches use it to explain the importance of living in the moment and being present. This allows you to recognize your actions and the results of them. It promotes the ability to hold yourself accountable and learn from mistakes without covering them up with the built-in excuses you create from purposefully living an aloof or negligent life. All are technically correct in the use but the general definition in lamens terms is to always assess what is available or occurring around you before looking elsewhere.

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Relationships you long for, the money you want, paths to dreams, your “why?” can be found in your immediate vicinity. This is because most of what we need is within us. The rest is within our reach. In our day and time, a phone call, an email, and a web search all qualify as within our reach. So, with that understood, You decide you want to pivot professionally. You’ve been in retail sales most of your working career but you feel you’ve outgrown it and you don’t see it being around for many more years. You decide you want to open up a boutique of your own but because of the change in times, you want it 100% online. What is your first move? (Stop reading if you want to play along. Think of one.)

Was it to get online and research? Maybe listen to people who are successful doing what you plan to do? Not a bad idea but you’ve overlooked co-workers who also may be looking for a change. They possess years of experience. You’ve disregarded the years of experience you have. You’ve devalued your ideas that would have set you apart from the other online boutiques. That is one huge downside to listening to people who are successful at what you are attempting to do. Most of us attempt to become a carbon copy of them.

Their success story is just that, theirs. Yes, they’ll be things you can use but what if your ideas were better? What if the first you is better than the 20th or 30th copy of them? We approach new things with an extremely poor self-image and a hint of laziness. We see something a successful person is doing and we do that and have the nerve to get upset when success doesn’t follow. You look within first. Immediate circle second. Arms reach third. You should only venture outside of that, if necessary.

In closing, the law of recognition is something you need to adopt in your life. There is no need to go walking a beach with a metal detector before using it in your yard. No competition. No one has searched there. No one will blindside you with a right hook if you find something of value. It’s your choice of course but hopefully, you’re applying the law as we speak and recognizing what is right under your nose.

Food for thought…You do the dishes.

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