You Can Learn from Anyone

You Can Learn from Anyone

We are blinded by the false narrative that only those who know more than or are doing better than us can teach us. This is perpetuated through time because of idolism. It is understood how most can see someone doing well or at least look like they are doing well and receive admiration from others but it goes too far when the admiration acts as a blinder. The blinder only blurs the ability to see people you don’t idolize when it comes to learning. This can be idolism of a specific person, social/economic status, or title.

If you are someone who can hear the same thing twice but hear it a little clearer when a person you idolize in some way says it, this is for you. You’re scrolling on the internet, not in need of a thing then see an ad or shared story of a person with social status (a person you follow or is followed by many) immediately convinces you of a need or lack of something. This is for you. Has family and friends tell you something for years but it doesn’t click until someone with Pastor, Doctor, or CEO as a prefix to their name states it? Yeah, this is for you.

The photo for this blog shows two people I’m certain are doing worse than 99.99% of my readers but somehow still have a joy in their hearts that half of you are missing. Some spotted the grammatical errors before noticing the joy. That may be a deeper issue. If you are an entrepreneur or a person who just wants to succeed in life, you must learn to grab positives in all forms. Look at these two men. Imagine what they go through daily. Imagine the number of misfortunes they’ve experienced to get to that point in life. Think about the climb that is ahead of them to get to what you would call normal.

Regardless of the unimaginable answers to those questions, they still can manage to find their smile. One even telling others to do the same. Using himself as the butt of a joke, to bring a moment of joy to others doing better than him. Could you or have you ever done that? Have you ever been doing not so well and still think of the well being and happiness of others? I’m sure the answers to those questions are tough to hear.

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What can we learn from them? Well, we can see we may have some soul searching to do. Yes, what we are going through may be tough but there are people out there going through more and still find a smile. Still find time to think about others. Still have a level of humility most of us lack even when everything is going great. Don’t play the victim like most of us when going through tribulations. Humility may be something to consider.

It can be hard to find a smile amid difficulty but attempt to find it. Think about how you could make another person’s day better. Have a focus on your situation but acknowledge issues are going on outside of you also. The world is not against you.. well maybe not just against you, it may be against us all at times. It’s just your turn.

In closing, I write this to bring attention to those of us who only look for knowledge from who we feel are above us. Think about what you’ve learned from your friends growing up. Think about the time your younger sibling or child showed you something in them you needed to incorporate into you. You can learn from anyone. Somewhere in our lives, we’ve adopted an ugly trait that makes us believe we can only learn from who we admire or idolize. In a world of billions of people who can potentially teach you something, you’ve convinced yourself to narrow it down to a hand full. Do you think that helps you or hurts you?

Start now and learn from the guys in the picture. Later today, look to brighten the day of someone else. It may help you out of your slump or at least give you a nice break from a hard time knowing you’ve brought joy to someone else. Joy is contagious. Find it. If you can’t find it, create it. It will still work.

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Food for thought… You do the dishes!!!