Vice Enablement

Vice Enablement

A vice is defined as moral depravity or corruption. The second definition is wickedness. Although we tend not to see vices in this way, we all have a couple of them. It can be drugs, gambling, spending, extreme religion, pornography, lying, the list goes on. We don’t see them as depravity or wickedness which is because it is part of us.

If we see these things for what they are and realize we are associated with them, many of us would not be able to handle it. This is how we get to the point of enabling these character flaws. Vices we carry are known issues but they all have highs. That is the tag partner to our looking the other way. As soon we began to think of addressing the vice because it seems to be hurting us more than helping, it tags out and uses the enablement. When it comes down to it, we just can’t seem to point at ourselves.

The highs of vices are what makes us say things like “this is why I do it”, “It makes me feel good”, and “Hey, everybody has one.” We are finding virtues in these vices. No matter how bad the vice seems to everyone on the outside, it’s a fight within where the person can’t always tell which side is evil. Morality is so gray. It can be based on religion, upbringing, or what makes you happy. The latter may sound selfish but morality is the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad. It has nothing to do with selflessness or selfishness.

Religious principles can be extremely selfish or one-sided. How many religions state that other religions may be correct? Right. How would this affect a person who requires help in life but that help comes in the form of a non-religious or member of a different religion? How could they ever be correct? They can’t. Upbringing can cause extreme selflessness causing repeated self-inflicted setbacks, a vice of its own. There are a lot of us that fall into being the pillars of our families without ever raising our hands. This can and has caused many people to put their wishes, hopes, or dreams to the side for the sake of the family. Those dreams on the side go from paused to stopped.

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How do we beat this? That’s a billion-dollar question. There is no one way to do it. There is no guarantee it will work but for those who want to try, here are somethings to give a shot. Attempt to see your vice and a negative situation it put you in via someone else. Taking yourself out of the equation while not on a high from the vice may expose the ugliness you need to see. Trying to find a replacement may also be doable.

Let’s say you have a spending issue. You like the thrill of going out to meet new people, buying experiences, jewelry, clothing, anything with a price tag. What can you do to attempt to fulfill that high elsewhere? Charity work? Hear me out. You will constantly meet new people and visit places you’d not visit otherwise. This checks off the need to go out and buy experiences. Hopefully, working in charity will build some humility which in turn could take away the importance or need for unneeded material items. If either of these will suffice, you are on your way to accomplish what many of us can not.

In closing, our vices are the reasons for the majority of our issues. Yes, external issues will occur but you can tackle those immediately if you didn’t have to climb out of the ditch your favorite vice has put you in. Now the external problem grows into a bigger one because it sat there and that’s is what they do when ignored.

Don’t allow part of yourself to continue being the problem because you are afraid or refuse to point to yourself as the problem. This can be hard but the ability to point at yourself takes the power away from these vices. Be the best you without the need for a favorably inconsistent character flaw or hobby. You don’t need it and it hurts you more than it helps. Believe it when it hurts you.

Food for thought…You do the dishes.

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