Karmic Law: The Law of Creation

Karmic Law: The Law of Creation

In this second edition of my Karmic Law series, we’ll discuss the law of Creation. The law states that you must be active in creating the life you want. This will be a little tough for the go-with-the-flow, whatever happens, will happen people. This law also explains that it benefits those who create not only for themselves but others also.

Yes, there are some us of who are constantly attempting to make things happen and in that, may mess up what we’ve already aligned. As with everything in life, there is this mysterious balance that we’ll only figure out by doing what it is we seek balance in. Trial and error are large parts of creation so this task should not be a deterrent. The law of creation is the gateway to understanding we need to control all aspects of our lives that we can. Whatever it is you desire in life will start and stop with your effort of grasping it.

How often do we sit and dream? We sit and dream only to leave it there? Whether it seems too far fetched or the amount of work deters us, we keep our dreams out of our reach as if we are our worst enemy. I don’t know every achiever of their dreams, yet I am still 100% sure they did not achieve it while being still. We need to be careful in our actions and inaction. Why are we not giving our best? Are we simply lazy or is it we couldn’t take knowing we gave it our best and still fell short?

My experience states the majority of the time it’s the latter. How often have you or a person you’ve spoken to made the statement “I could have been this or I could have done that but…” You can fill in the excuse here. Why would someone state they could have been something so great but because of one hurdle or worse because they didn’t go for it? Wait, what? You’ve dreamt about this, felt how good it could feel if accomplished, then somewhere after that decided there was no reason to feel that good? Sure, that makes sense.

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Let’s touch on some of the benefits for those who dare to take control of their destiny. The benefits of creation. When you create, you open yourself up for criticism. This is a reason many creators keep theirs a secret. We look at the wrong side of criticism. Yes, you do open yourself to others not enjoying/appreciating your creation. You also open yourself up to the opposite. There will be people who love your creation. Depending on what you create, there will be people who couldn’t imagine life without your creation. We don’t think about these things.

Think of karma as a circle. What does that mean? Everything adds up to 100%. You choose what is in your circle of karma. If you choose to only see or allow negativity to prosper in your circle of karma it will continue to perpetuate what it is. It can’t give what it doesn’t have. You must first seek positivity in all situations then you can allow the magic of this karmic law to take effect. You can only benefit from the law of creation by sharing your creation. Allowing feedback from the world. Experiencing the vulnerability of waiting for a response but feeling excited. With your new outlook, you are excited because no matter the response you’ll take the positive out of it. Do they love it? Can’t live without it? Glad you decided to share it? All good stuff. This will keep you going when feedback slows.

Do they hate it? Can’t believe you shared it? Okay, what didn’t they like? Was the criticism constructional? Did they mention what could be worked on? If so, investigate and see if they are correct. If they are, you and your creation just got better. If they gave nothing that can be flipped into a positive, you can dispose of the entire comment. There is no room for that in your circle of karma.

In closing, give yourself a chance. Create what it is you see when you close your eyes. You deserve the chance at opening your eyes one day and noticing it’s exactly what you used to imagine. The karmic law of creation states that you are the only one who can make this happen. No one else can do this for you. Embrace the control you have. Don’t run from it. The only reason for your dream not having a chance to occur is you. Your lack of trying, lack of effort, fear of failure, or a multitude of excuses. Give yourself a shot. Get out of your way. Grab that wheel.

Food for thought…you do the dishes.
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