Frequency Illusion

Frequency Illusion

The frequency illusion occurs when people who learn, notice, or show interest in something begin seeing it everywhere. Very similar to looking for a car or buying one and then seeing it every time you go for a drive. Did everyone buy the vehicle when you started showing interest or purchased it? No. They’ve had it. They’ve driven passed you in the past. It just was not on your radar at the time. Frequency illusion is a critical phenomenon to understand. It will help you through life by showing you all you ever need, want, or wonder about is out there. It is up to you to notice it once, and it will then show itself after that.

If you seem to be living in need, or it seems as if you are missing a key piece required for moving to the next level of life, you may want to start to seek out what is currently your void. Speaking into existence is too passive and doesn’t involve any action. Actively seeking what is you are looking for is the step up from that. It is action. It involves effort. It enables the possibility of discovering what you are looking for in life. Many of us want the same things in life, but the process in which we go about those things separates the haves and have nots. The “haves” understand what they want and what is missing to get there. They then begin to find what is missing. This method can be information, people, internal discovery, or physical items. Whatever it is, they seek it directly. On the contrary, the have nots know what they want but don’t acknowledge the prerequisites they do not possess, resulting in looking for something they aren’t ready or equipped to see. We live in the same world as people who have everything we desire. How could we know that and not acknowledge some people’s eyes are open to things while others aren’t?

This step can be a little battle within acknowledging someone may be more equipped to find what you are looking for than you, but it’s okay. You’ve been here before. If you fill out an application for anything, people will choose others over you. Jobs, apartments, college admission, and others have prepared you for people being chosen over you. You lived. Most of us hold ourselves in a little (or a lot) higher regard than we should. This belief is a gift and a curse. The gift gives us the courage to move forward when others who don’t put themselves at that level may not. The curse gives us the courage to move forward when others who don’t put themselves at that level may not. (Not a typo)

In closing, the “haves” breathe the same air, eat the same food, and drive the same roads as the have nots. How often do we feel if we only knew then what we know now, life would be so different? How does the realization that the person, place, thing, or information you are/were seeking was here before it was even a need feel to you? It may be a cool “aha” moment or produce a little anger. Either way, it should be accompanied by a feeling of liberation. Understand that everything you need or want is everywhere. Relax. Seek it and you’ll find it. It’s right in front of you.

Food for thought…You do the dishes!