How Do You See Yourself?

How Do You See Yourself?

How do you see yourself? It is not a trick question but, for some, it will cause an uncomfortable pause. It will have you asking a follow-up question. Why is this taking me so long? We train ourselves to treat all inquiries coming towards us as if it is a final in college. How do you see yourself is more of a philosophical question. There is no right or wrong answer. It is more about what you do with the information your answer gives. At what age are you when asked the question? What is going on in your life when you answer? Who is asking the question? All of these factors will change your answer to the inquiry.

The altered responses can mean many things. You could reveal pieces of the entire truth. You could state you feel you can take over the world as a teen showing your ambition. After a couple of failures in your 20s, your answer could begin to reveal doubt in your abilities to succeed. The response to “how do you see yourself” in an interview always puts your current best traits and capabilities to the forefront. A private conversation with a trusted friend or family member will reveal more weaknesses and truth than the interview. You can also flat out lie to whoever asks, including yourself. All of this, true or false, can help you.

Who would lie when asked how do you see yourself? People who don’t like the real answer. People who would rather not deal with their shortcomings. People will feel judged or worse than they already feel just for being asked. People who don’t want whoever is asking to think or know that they are vulnerable right now. I’m not an advocate for lying. I do understand why people do it. The aforementioned reasons are logical. The person lying should not dwell on lying but the need to do so.

There are two ways to address it. One is to ask yourself why do I feel the need to lie to the person asking me? This option is a decent approach but focuses more on the person asking you who may never ask you again. A better solution would be addressing the issue you have with yourself. Make a list of everything you feel you need to omit or embellish when answering this question. You should also make a list of answers. This exercise will give you a list of things you need to work on and a list of things to discuss. There will be no need to think of a lie or embellish and no awkward pause.

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Let’s get back to there is no right or wrong answer. The answer changes. It may seem an answer that changes is not useful. It is a way to “check-in” with yourself. A quick self-assessment. What is making you smile when you respond to “how do you see yourself?” What is going on in your life at this time? What pops up in your head but is something you rather not say? This information is useful in being a better you. I don’t believe we ever get to a point where there is nothing about ourselves we’d rather not divulge but, there is never a point where we can’t address it either.

In closing, how do you see yourself can sound like a loaded question. Depending on how you feel at the time of the query, it may feel like an attack. Remember, not many people will know what is going on with you or how you feel about yourself. It is mostly a conversation piece. Yes, I acknowledge this is not the average level of conversation you have but, maybe it is time to level up. What is wrong with having conversations that make you think? That used to be the point of conversing with others. Now even elevator talk (Hey, how are you? Good. And uh, you?) can be hard to execute. We may want to step away from 10-15 second videos and memes and get comfortable answering questions that require real answers.

Food for thought…You do the dishes.
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