Nobody Actually Cares

Nobody Actually Cares

You are going to have to handle whatever “it” is because nobody actually cares. It sounds harsh but, the issue is others can’t care. Many may want to care, coddle, help but, they have their problems. This world is systematically structured to have masses so distracted with their issues they grow blind to other’s difficulties even if they are close friends or family. Think about your situation. How many people have the same one? Think about what is going well for you. Follow that up with acknowledging the daily grind of others who don’t have it and are working hard to get it.

Take the rich, for example. Their fear is losing their money and status. They spend time making sure they keep and increase their money and status. The poor? They spend time attempting to get money and status. Two stories and two never-ending loops. Not many of us have developed the skill to handle both our issues and the issues of others. We also haven’t developed the ability to understand others are going through struggles during our struggle. These circumstances tell us that we live in a society of selfish people whose current desire is to live in a world of unselfish people. How crazy is that? It’s too bad nobody actually cares.

Let’s focus on us. We are going through a terrible time. We can’t figure out how we are going to get ourselves out of this one. We know others can help. I mean, they are better off than us. Why won’t they do it? No, we didn’t ask but, they should know we need help. If we ask and they say no, we just exposed ourselves in our weakest moment for nothing. We are not doing that. Back to the fact they should help us. They should. They have this and that while we don’t. They are older or whatever else we come up with to justify us ignoring the possible problems of others. We need to focus on ourselves. We need to tell ourselves nobody actually cares.

Yes, some do but, we need to allow ourselves to help ourselves. Expecting assistance can cause more negative energy than we think. The expectation of help is a top cause of resentment towards others. This anger is misplaced because resentment is supposed to be caused by unfair treatment. Who says the person/people you are expecting to sacrifice their time and pause their attempts to resolve their problems is mistreating you? It’s just you.

How dare these people? What do they have going on? Life. They may have something more distressing than what you are dealing with going on. Yeah, I know no one can be going through what you are going through, right? Wrong. We need to stop being so selfish. We can stand to tone down the delusion too. Yes, some people have it harder than us, even if they seem to be doing better. Focus can be on a person’s possessions or money but, they can be going through bigger things.

What’s bigger? Health. Family problems. High levels of responsibility. If the issue does involves money, it’s a situation you couldn’t even imagine. You can forget about coming up with a plan out of it. Your circumstance may be huge to you. Realize some people will trade their problems for yours in an instant. Why would they do that? Get out of your world for a second and honestly assess your issue. Is this the problem of all problems? No, and nobody actually cares.

In closing, get out of your feelings. Focus on your issue and come up with a way to fix it because you are responsible for resolving your issues. If you do luck out and have people that extend a helping hand, realize that they too are battling something and their help to you is a sacrifice. No one should be expected to do anything in regards to a problem you created or can fix.

We have to stop being presented with an issue and going into capitulation mode. Remember who you are and your attitude when everything is going well. If you feel “you got you and do not need anybody” in those moments, keep that same energy and get to work. We are all going through it. It’s not that nobody cares, they simply don’t have the capacity to do so. Let’s have some compassion. Life is bigger than us.

Food for Thought…You do the Dishes.