Dealing With Negative People

Dealing With Negative People

Negativity is around just as much as positive is. The world may seem to sway to one side or the other. This idea does depend on your perception of life. The world has an innate ability to balance all things. The balance does not mean we have to choose to have balance in ours. Before discovering we have a choice, many of us take in way more negativity than necessary. Yes, unfortunate things occur in life. We try and fail. We lose loved ones. We experience a couple of failed relationships we thought would last a lifetime. We dream but, the majority of us never see it come to fruition.

We these statements all being true, we rarely have to experience negativity for a person more than once. Again, it’s a choice. Yes, there will be multiple negative people. They’ll only need to prove to you they don’t belong in your life once. When actively removing these types of people from your life, you’ll see the need to do so will happen less frequently. This occurrence will be less frequent because negative people are attracted to 2 things; negativity and the potential to turn something positive into negativity. How do you achieve choosing to be positive? What do you do if the negative people are family or friends? What if you are dependent on this negative person? How do you handle negative people who don’t know you but bring negativity to you? Great questions.

Choosing to be positive takes practice. It is easy to respond to negativity with negativity. We choose the path of least resistance. We feel the negative person deserves what they are giving. It’s true. They do but, the response puts you in a negative situation. I’m still practicing. I’ve reached the point of only one answer per troll. If you are attempting to accomplish this, make your response as sharp and devastating as you can. With this approach, you give back what that person deserves but you then tell yourself that is it. Jab for Jab. Punch for punch. You then move on and get back to positivity. There is a step you get to where you don’t respond but, that is an aspiration for most. Keep working toward your life goals. You’ll get to the point of being too busy to respond.

Online or out and about in public, encountering a negative person and dealing with them is simple compared to living with one or more. We can adopt the “jab for jab” strategy and move on. When a person is a daily part of our lives, it can get tricky. How do you do it? It will start mentally. If you are a child or a person heavily dependent on a negative person, leaving physically will take a while but, you should be setting yourself up for departure from this day on. Mentally removing yourself will start with a positive mindset. The mind can take us places we couldn’t imagine. The first positive will be all of the negativity that will vanish upon your departure.

Understanding that this negative person is behaving this way for more reasons than you is a great practice. This comprehension will remove the negative thoughts that you are the main reason for their demeanor. Another method to practice is to do what makes you happy. Any hobby, tv show, game, or book that can make you laugh or smile is a win. The last suggestion I’ll give is to follow up any negative thoughts or comment with a positive one in your head. This strategy neutralizes negativity coming your way. With the practice of deflecting the negative, the positive in your life will outweigh the negative, helping you achieve the perfect imbalance that you seek.

In closing, simply ignoring negativity is the strategy we are pushed to adopt but, it is not the best suggestion for beginners. Ignoring things can cause overall numbness. Numbness can have you deflecting both good and bad vibes. I suggest attempting the aforementioned methods. These are built for beginners and don’t enable the possibility of harming yourself. The negative people are the issue. Refuse to sacrifice your well-being in an attempt to rid negative people from your life. You deserve much better than that.

Food for thought…You do the Dishes!