Stack Evidence of Talent

Stack Evidence of Talent

Stacking evidence of talent sounds like a given. If we are good or great at something, you’d think the proof of that skill would be plentiful. Now you see where I’m going. A painter’s home should have walls decorated with their paintings. A writer should have multiple books in completed form. A musician should have songs to play at the moment of request. The majority of us don’t. If a person visited you would they have any idea of your talent? What would they see to give them the impression you are great at something? What do you emit? What do you have on this earth that can express who you are without you giving effort? What can speak for you when you are no longer here? There are multiple reasons for stacking evidence of talent. Stacking proof can provide a boost for you, can be monetized, and can inspire others. It’s bigger than you.

Stacking evidence of your talent gives you the confidence to keep going. You’ll need the reminder. I’ve discussed knowing your “Why?” in past blogs which is usually your family or the betterment of whatever your chosen industry. I haven’t touched on another why question. Why will you be successful? You’ll need answers to “why” and “why will I be successful.” You will not need a reminder of your “why” daily. The majority of us have no answer as to “why will I be successful?” This answer to the question is evidence of your talent. Give yourself the answer. Your “why” can keep you going but, it will not supply the belief of success. They are multi-millions of us trucking along daily with no evidence that we can succeed. Odd but, we do crazy, illogical things all the time. Unfortunately and logically, this backward approach leads us to obtaining nothing. You know, exactly how we started the journey. What a surprise, huh?

We have grown accustomed to getting everything we want in real-time. Why would we think that anyone on earth would wait for us? The people who will appreciate our talent will need discovery just as we do. Once we identify our audience, we need to reveal ourselves to allow them to reciprocate the discovery. Put yourself in their shoes. If you desired to discover a screenwriter who makes sci-fi romantic-comedies, how would you handle seeing an article or post online about a person who does just that with no projects to be found? How frustrated would you be? Exactly.

So why don’t you have anything readily available for potential supporters? Why are you refusing to help both yourself and those people? It is hard to give the world something now with seemingly no one watching or appreciating it. This scenario is how it is in life. Put in the work now because when eyes hit you and your work, you may not have time to create anything new for a while. Give your newfound supporters things to enjoy before they begin to look for it.

In closing, stack your evidence. This approach is for you, people looking for you, people who need your work for inspiration, and the people who will build off of your work to create something better. You may not realize all of this, but your talent is not just for you. Swallow your pride. You must constantly work. Regardless of an active audience or not. Yes, we crave immediate attention. This desire is a normal aspiration, but be above this way of thinking. Do you want 15 minutes of fame or people appreciating your work for generations?

Food for Thought…You do the Dishes.