Tomorrow’s Another Day

Tomorrow’s Another Day

Do you remember a time in your life where you felt you were doomed? If not, it will happen. If you have, you know the feeling. You’ll believe there is no way you will get through the issue in front of you. It can be emotional, physical, or financial. This issue will be the most challenging situation you’ve ever faced. The inexperience is why it seems to be insurmountable. You don’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. It will be troubling at the time, but remind yourself that tomorrow is another day. Another day to try to be better. Another chance to accomplish what you’ve failed the day prior. An opportunity to learn and adapt to your current circumstances.

Emotional conflicts can break a person. A loss of a loved one will stick with you for life. You’re never okay with the loss. You get used to the loss. You learn to operate with the void. You’ll look up one day and realize you are coming up on a year since your loss. You’ll understand you may not be over the loss, but it is not crippling like it may have been.

A physical issue can be a little more manageable. Most of our physical matters aren’t permanent, and even when they are age can help. When you are dealing with physical appearance, it’s a self-esteem issue. What will people think? How long will people look? Why me? We know if weight is the issue, diet and exercise are the answer. Yes, this works 100% of the time. We don’t do it. Those of us who do can’t believe it was us standing in the way all of that time.

What if the problem is a permanent physical feature? Our eyes being too close or far apart, our ears or forehead being too big. These insecurities will become trivial. At the time, the issue will have you looking down on yourself like you have a toe growing out of your chin. With age comes wisdom and a little indifference. Wisdom says you look better than many, while indifference will dismiss the thoughts of those who disagree. If you are not at the age to deal with your appearance be patient, you’ll be golden in a few years. For now, you can attempt to hide the problem or distract onlookers by showing off features that make you proud.

A financial problem can feel as if the weight of the world is on your shoulders. It is both demoralizing and scary. Demoralizing because you’ll go from thinking you are financially stable to imagining all of your worldly possessions slowly or rapidly disappearing. You tell yourself you have done everything correctly. Despite that fact, you can’t manage to stay afloat for a couple of months with the money you have. Uncertainty is what people who lose their jobs feel. Insufficient savings shows the dependency you have on your employer and maybe the rude awakening you need to either budget better or look for a better-paying position the next time around.

The fear is not knowing how long it will take to get the next opportunity. You know your monthly bills will not cease. You need to find income and find it quick. You’ll think about your plan to budget better and get a higher-paying gig but, the clock is ticking. You’ll love to take a higher-paying job, but you don’t have time to wait and play the three weeks of interviews game followed by a 2 weeks out start date. What do you do? I’m not here to keep you wondering. The answer is you remember tomorrow’s another day. In this scenario, it means taking the first position that comes to make your monthly bills before exhausting your savings. You continue your job search or hunt for better income. You’ll attempt to be better every day and soon be in the position you chase.

In closing, hard times will occur. You will feel like you are in a situation you aren’t equipped to overcome, but the feeling is a lie. Tomorrow’s another day. The notion is there because it is your biggest challenge so far. 2 or 3 large challenges down the line, this issue at hand will seem like child’s play. We should always approach these feelings head-on. We must verbally state to ourselves that the feeling is false. Wake up the next day and game plan how you’ll dig yourself out. Take it day by day. Don’t be afraid of the work or uncertainty. The more you move forward, the brighter the light at the end of the tunnel will become.

Food for thought…You do the Dishes!