Karmic Law: The Law of Gratitude

Karmic Law: The Law of Gratitude

The Law of Gratitude tells us more than to be thankful. The law tells us that we are energy and everything around us is also energy. What we put out affects the world, not just ourselves. Our thoughts that turn into actions impact everyone. The Law of Gratitude tells us that we are all connected and life is simply moving through us all.

We should be grateful for all our knowledge, gifts, past, present, and most importantly, the expedition we experience while we are here. That is way deeper than just saying thanks, huh? How can we use the Law of Gratitude as an asset in our lives? What can we do to emit energy that will benefit ourselves and others?

To use the law to its maximum efficacy, we need to see ourselves as part of an ecosystem. It is natural for most of us to think of us first, second, and third. This stance begins to make us believe our life and its occurrences only affect us. With a little thought, we understand this is impossible. Let’s say we get a new job. Yes, we have to adjust to the new surroundings. We’ll be getting used to the culture of the new place. Learning the behaviors of new people and adapting to whatever the new commute may be. We never think about how we will affect the culture, how our personality will fit into the existing group of people, or what we can do to improve the new place.

The Law of Gratitude says our thoughts that turn to actions impact everyone. We should see ourselves as change agents. This stance will give us an immediate positive approach to “new” anything. Being a change agent states, you influence the way things are managed or conducted. When you embrace situations with the thought of being able to effect change, you practice multiple pieces of gratitude. We show we are thankful for the opportunity and are enjoying the journey. We also understand that we are part of a bigger picture. We are part of a movement and are just as important as the next person. Yes, this also means we are not any more important than others.

Most see the last sentence as a negative, but instead of thinking in a negative sense, see it as increasing or decreasing the level of importance of the people around you. The only way we can have a problem with being just as important as anyone else is one of two things. We either believe we are more or less important than others. Some of us feel we are more important.

This thought is because we live an individual-centric lifestyle or we have a skill or occupation that makes us seem more important at first glance. A doctor is vital, but only we someone is ill. An entertainer gets attention from others at preposterous levels, but that soon fizzles away regardless of their efforts to keep it. A mentor is only a mentor with a mentee. As you can see, everything works together and everyone is needed.

In closing, we often see gratitude as simply a thank you. We need to embrace the full scope of gratitude. We are all along for the same ride. Yes, we all have different goals, talents, fears, etc., but we all keep this wonderful world going. Be more understanding of your part in this life.

No, it is not all about you, but it involves you. You are a part of it. You have the power to put your stamp on this world. You can start with gratitude. Be happy. Be appreciative. Be proud to be a piece of an amazing world. This is a world that would love for you to be a part of it, but doesn’t need you at all. What a wonderful place we live.

Food for Thought…You do the dishes!