Iron Sharpens Iron

Iron Sharpens Iron

It is an old proverb, but nothing makes more sense when attempting to explain greatness. Iron sharpens iron. This statement means that it takes someone as good as us to make us better. In turn, we can do the same for that other person. You may hear steel sharpens steel or only diamonds cut diamonds. The problem most of us run into is finding that like individual. Well, “problem” sounds a little strong. A small issue is more accurate. It is a small issue because we have the power and ability to seek and find like individuals. Resolving this issue will take a little work, a little self-assessment, and honesty. If we are not iron, we shouldn’t seek iron. One positive about life is that we can be made of plastic one day and made of a diamond the next so don’t get too down on yourself. The key is to know where we are and attempt to be the best we can be at that point. Most of us will grow out of that level, but some don’t. It’s better to make and be the best at whatever level you are currently occupying.

Finding like individuals can be difficult if looking in the wrong place. The effort requires communication and evidence. It is hard to tell what a person is about by optics. You can’t simply listen to what they are saying either. A like-individual will speak as you do and about what you do. They will practice and have a track record of their efforts. You’ll see and be familiar with the trials and tribulations they’ve encountered. You and that person or people will be on the same wavelength. You are at the same point of your maturation. It’s a good feeling, but remember to work. There are other levels, and again, not everyone gets to the next level. We should enjoy time at each stage with getting better as the goal. The energy will be great while everyone is still learning and sharpening their craft. It can also turn sour when some or one person becomes the sharpest sword of the bunch.

This scenario occurs for one or two reasons. One, the sharpest sword is ready for the next level but hasn’t found other like-individuals. This occurs when the sharpest tool is attached to the people of the old like-individual group and doesn’t what to leave but wants to grow. It can cause resentment. If these people are friends, we must understand that not everyone has the same desire for ascension even with the same goals. Having friends and having sparring partners are two separate things.

Second, most of the group is ready to level up and, a couple of people either haven’t put in the work or don’t have “it” to move up. You need someone to push you to be better. Not having that can cause static in a once positive free-flowing group. The like-individual can come in many forms. If the person is a friend, great. It may be a peer that is not a friend but, you can both be of assistance to one another. It may grow into a friendship and, it may not. The person or people that push you can also be rivals. Think of the legendary rivalries in all facets of life. You think Prince didn’t know how well Micheal Jackson’s music was doing in the ’80s and vice versa? When a scientist/inventor makes a discovery or perfects an invention, you don’t think there was another team attempting to do the same thing? Can you believe Netflix saw mega-franchise Blockbuster as a contemporary? Well, they did and were correct. Blockbuster didn’t believe so and allowed Netflix to out sharpen them. Where is your nearest Blockbuster? Exactly.

In closing, find like individuals. It is not about making lifelong friendships. If it happens great but, the goal is to get better. Learn, share information, and work to become the best you can be. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there. If you’ve worked hard and have outgrown your current like-individuals, you must find the next level of “like” people. If you don’t, you are removing your invite to the next level in your ascension. You should know what and who you are because you’ll need to surround yourself with that to see the best you come to fruition. Yes, it may be a little scary. The thought of seeking these people can seem awkward but, the consequences of never looking is a nightmare you don’t want to experience.

Food for Thought…You do the Dishes!