There Is Money Everywhere

There Is Money Everywhere

Money. In the past, “the powers that were” thought we should stop bartering and begin to trade paper to replace one side of a transaction. This required people to chase something that had no real value. The value comes in the masses agreeing it has value. A 50-carat diamond is worthless if no one is willing to buy it. Remembering that will give you a new and helpful outlook on life.

The statement goes both ways. If you can get someone to believe something is of value, you can sell it. It can be a skill, a product, an idea, a service, etc. There is money everywhere. One of the best skills to acquire as an aspiring entrepreneur is sales. The skill of selling yourself, selling an ideology, selling a plan, selling a product, selling a service, selling a promise. Do we get it now? It’s important.

Let’s touch on the move from bartering to paper/coin money again. It started slow. It was cattle for cattle. Cattle for crops. Crops for labor. Labor for precious metals. Precious metals were scarce so, coins were minted instead. This action required less precious metal and promoted uniformity. The next step took some selling to the masses. The next step involved removing precious metal from the coins and inserting paper money. Coins and paper money started tied to precious metals stored by the country printing the money. It was bought and accepted by the masses.

The “powers that be” removed the requirement of printing money backed by precious metals. Again, people approved of the change. We now live in a society where countries with a strong economy can print money at will with nothing backing its newly created money. Why does this fact not cause the value to nosedive into nothing? It doesn’t nosedive because the masses have agreed to the amount printed on the paper. That is it. Money is everywhere.

Many of us spend our entire lives chasing paper with an agreed-upon value attached to it. We don’t understand the astronomical quantity of what we are chasing. Most of us chase money as if it is as scarce as precious metals. We are mistaken. We have to sit down and find what we are interested in and find a way to monetize it. It may take a while and will have some bumps along the way, but it is that simple. Others are interested in what you find interesting. Some will create it. Others will be consumers of it.

If you are interested in money and how it works, you can learn in many different realms. Stocks, Real Estate, Resale, Wholesale, and Cryptocurrency are a few examples. Crypto is a major disturbance to how money has worked since getting rid of the barter system. We (as in non-government/as in “normal” people) can now create a coin with (or without) a use case that will help and service the masses. If a couple of thousand people buy in, they can promote it to another couple thousand people each. Now you have millions of people buying a globally accepted coin with a monetary value, unregulated by any government. Crypto is a game-changer.

If you are interested in money and economically lean more towards broke than rich, you should study crypto as soon as possible. You can turn thousands to multiple millions in a short period. Studying the field is key because if you stay a novice, those millions will find it’s way back to thousands or less.

In closing, money and the opportunity to make money are everywhere. Focus on what makes you tick. Attempting to follow what someone else did to make money may leave you with lost time and no success. Do want interests you. Crypto is an excellent example of creating opportunity but not the only one. You do not need to jump in if you aren’t interested but do use it as proof that whatever idea is in your head can come to fruition just as that did, just as paper money did, just as all of the amazing services and products we have in this world did. No matter where you are with your finances, embrace the fact that it can be changed for the better. Opportunity is all over the place and, money is everywhere.

Food for Thought…You do the Dishes!