What Are You About?

What Are You About?

What are you about? It should be one of the easiest questions someone can ask you. The reality for most of us is this question would scare us. It is not the question itself but not knowing the answer. We are often asked trivial questions like: What is your favorite color? What is your sign? The question “what are your hopes and dreams?” is frivolous compared to “what are you about?” If you cannot answer what are you about, you will be stuck. If you think you aren’t stuck while not knowing the answer, you are moving based on what someone else is about and not yourself. We may be students following and completing the required curriculum to receive a degree. We may be employees, following the mission statement of our employer. We can be a member of a group and take on the identity of whomever the alpha of that group is. Whatever the scenario most of us need to realize it’s not “us.”

Ask yourself what are you about? Words may not effortlessly flow out of your mouth, but that is okay. It is a red flag but one you should be glad to spot in the privacy of your inner dialogue. This inner dialogue discovery should be the desired outcome. It is better than being asked this question in any public setting and not knowing the answer. It can cost us a job, a business opportunity, a second date, and most importantly a lifetime of self-awareness. We can be about nothing. There is a possibility that we don’t have an answer at all.

We could be 100% “go with the flow”, but that is only great when you are flowing in good experiences. The minute things are not going as we wish, we tend to get upset and blame those around us. We want to say life is not fair. We want to state the people with power are abusing it. We want to say everything except ask the question how its possible we are so out of sorts because of a couple of things going against us? It is because we don’t know what we are about. If we did, we’d always have the foundation that would enable us to adjust, regroup, and/or rebuild when necessary.

We shouldn’t let any more time pass after reading this. Today is the last day we will not have an answer to this question. Although seemingly a simple question, having a well-thought-out answer will impress the inquirer and give you an immense level of self-esteem. This question stumps way too many of us. Once you know the answer, others not being sure of theirs will have you turn up your nose up a little bit.

In this scenario, let’s not forget that at one time, this was us. It will be hard for most to do this, which is why it’s best to not leave the chance. We don’t care what many people think about us. That is a fact but the difference here is the people who would bother asking this question are those who care. This question isn’t an elevator conversation question. Remember, some people’s opinions/views of us will matter to us.

In closing, we are often so consumed with day-to-day life that some important things are overlooked. The subject of this piece is one of them. We should look up more difficult questions to ask ourselves after this one. The lack of immediate answers will surprise or embarrass us, but the knowledge that comes after that is well worth it. Every day we should seek to become better for our sake and the sake of others. The more we know and are aware of, the more we can improve and pass on the information to improve those around us. If doing it for you is not enough, think about the loved ones in your circle.

Food for Thought…You do the Dishes!