Going Off the Grid

Going Off the Grid

Going off the grid in a normal scenario is a person, or family moving to a rural area. Unplugging from all the services that our homes are connected to. These services include the power grid, gas, water utilities, and sanitation. We are using it here in terms of an individual staying away for a while. This move is when we are going through something or have goals that require sacrificing most, if not all, social events and quality time with the people closest to us. The latter is ideal. The former is a mistake.

Taking time out from your day-to-day to pursue something that will require a “new” everything is more understandable. When we pop back up with goals accomplished, a new outlook on life, and a great story to tell our circle will be more forgiving than hearing you were simply going through a rough time and were too embarrassed to admit it to them.

When choosing to hide when we are not doing well but out in the open when things are great makes us seem a little fake, selfish, and dishonest. We are only comfortable in the public eye when we are front runners. This action is fake, selfish, and dishonest because we are not okay with being the ones in need. It is unrealistic for a person to live a life without ever needing a hand. Fake. If a person cannot be humble around their friends/ loved ones, are those people friends/loved ones? Or could it be we haven’t given them the ability to do so? Selfish.

We are only comfortable being the helper. Dishonest because we are the same people who tell the ones we are helping that there is no shame in needing help. Yet when we need it, we run away and hide. We should keep this in mind the next time we choose to leave our circle to handle something we’ve helped others in our circle with. Why do we get to be weak in private while they must do the same in public? Who are we to deserve that? What are we to do when the battle we are going through in private requires external assistance? This scenario is the wrong reason to consider going off the grid, but there is a really good reason to do so.

The correct reason to go off the grid is to pursue a feat that requires it. As stated earlier, your circle will forgive you for this. At times, a new goal will require extreme changes. It will require extreme focus and, to meet these requirements your time will be taken. This price is required. To make a huge change, we need to break out of our normal day-to-day. It can be weight loss. Not going out with friends can keep you on that trajectory you want to be on. It can be schooling. Learning when you’ve been removed from school for a decade or more will take some special concentration. It can be starting a business. This involves lots of saving, planning, and research.

No one will understand your idea or goal like you will. People understand results and, you just don’t start anything with results. We need to be okay with going away until we have given everything we needed to give our goals. When it is time to come back around and tell the story, great. Until then, we should focus on the task at hand.

In closing, going off the grid is a tool that should be utilized in the correct situation. We must be aware of the situations where we see ourselves running from the spotlight because of our weaknesses being exposed instead of going away to give a new dream or goal a fighting chance of occurring. Come back a stronger, and more experienced member of your circle. Become one of the people in your circle who advocates speaking up and reaching out for assistance when external help is needed but also one who will do it. Be the understanding member of the circle when a member states they need to go “ghost” for a while to work on a goal without judgment.

We’ll be happy waiting for them to show up with a “new.” A new accomplishment. A new body. A new certification. A new degree. A new business. A new outlook on life. A new and better version of themselves. What loved one wouldn’t want that for one another? We should push this outlook to our circle. This way, when one of us needs to step away for a while the team is already happy and supportive knowing the team will only get stronger.

Food for thought…You do the dishes!