Entrepreneurial Traits

Entrepreneurial Traits

Yes, I know. Not everyone wants to be an entrepreneur, but everyone should adopt some traits. Many traits will be shared in this piece. Most may never start a business, but we are still the CEOs of our lives. We need a vision tailored to making our journey the best it can be. We need to innovate, forecast, and execute multiple phases in life. The skills taught in school/job training are there to make us the best employees possible. Entrepreneurial Spirit will breed the skills that will make us the best person we can be.

Embrace the fact you can be a full-time employee and one hell of a navigator of life. This approach gives us greater joy throughout our careers. We’ll also find ourselves shooting up those corporate ladders and growing hefty portfolios. The corporate ladder seeks the entrepreneurial spirit. The stories of loyal employees taking 20 years to get to an executive position versus movers achieving the same in 10 are evidence. A hefty portfolio of real estate, stocks, or crypto is also a perk of thinking like an entrepreneur. No, you don’t want your own company, but you have a goal of financial freedom. That is part of the entrepreneurial spirit.

Passion is a trait to consider for adoption. This attribute gives us a reason to wake up and push through some of those gloomy days. It helps to have a why. Ambition is your why. Ambition will be the destination to pair with passion, which is your fuel. Consider becoming an executor. What is the difference between a dreamer and a doer? Success. So, how long should we keep dreaming? Being a leader is an awesome trait. Leadership isn’t for everybody, but managing and inspiring people will make promotions commonplace wherever we choose to work. Being a risk-taker will help. Remember the 20-year versus 10-year climb up the ladder? Leaving a company every 2-3 years to start at another is risky but done correctly can include a sizable bonus and promotion. That is the way to move on, it should be noted.

“Staying a student” is an excellent trait. We should always be willing to learn. We live in a world of certifications trumping degrees. Specialization can get us paid. We should find a niche in our industry that interests us and become certified experts. Versatility pairs well with continuous learning. We may see our current position phased out. Versatility allows us to seek a skill that does not invite automation. With these traits, you’ll naturally become opportunistic. Being opportunistic enables us to keep our resumes up to date and ready to be sent when a great opportunity arrives.

In closing, there is no restriction on the entrepreneurial spirit. We think of only inspiring or current business owners, but we are mistaken. These forward-thinking traits are the difference between voicing regrets in our 60s and living as we want in our 40s. If the traits above seem to be too much remember these three for the cliff notes version of the spirit. We should make our opportunities. We should always think of ways to improve ourselves and our circumstances. Finally, we should adopt a positive outlook on life. Negativity attracts negativity. We are choosing to take on a lifestyle of repelling pessimistic thoughts, energy, and people.

Food for thought. You do the dishes!