6 Sides of Wellness: Spiritual Wellness

6 Sides of Wellness: Spiritual Wellness

Spiritual Wellness is the final side of the six sides of wellness. Spiritual Wellness focuses on understanding the non-physical aspects of life. Many make the mistake of thinking Spiritual Wellness involves religion. A spiritual journey does not require religion in the sense of Islam, Christianity, Judaism, etc. It is however, a way of life we will create. Spiritual Wellness involves looking into yourself. This journey includes meditation and spending time alone in deep thought. Connecting and being curious about the world around us is another piece. It also involves developing the ethics and values that shape our actions and lifestyle. We all have so many distractions preventing us from starting our journey of Spiritual Wellness. How can we make time for ourselves? Once we find the time, how do we put ourselves in a position to flourish in this journey? What will wellness in the spiritual aspect enable in our lives?

The problem of making time for ourselves is a resolution that acts as a prerequisite in the wellness journey. We’ll need to take a look at how we spend our time. Where can we find an hour to give ourselves every day? It can be the drive home, the hour after you put the kids to bed, waking up an hour earlier, setting aside the cell phone, or turning off the TV. So many hours of our day are a waste. We don’t realize we could be using them to put ourselves in a healthier, more prosperous position. Upon this realization, we can begin to show ourselves why spiritual wellness time is required. We’ll realize we don’t miss the 2 hours we spend on our phones after work. We don’t need to have the TV on as a companion. We’ll see the phone can be a tool to discover more than current events or unimportant celebrity gossip. We’ll tell ourselves the TV only needs to be on if we’re utilizing it. We do not need to consume TV shows when they premiere. We no longer need to schedule our days or nights around TV schedules. All media is consumable on our timetable via streaming. There is no excuse for being unable to find an hour for yourself.

What will choosing to start a spiritual wellness journey give us? It will provide a new understanding and love for ourselves. After a week of giving ourselves an hour a day, there is a chance we will have spent more time with ourselves than we have in the past year. It sounds unbelievable but do we spend time with ourselves? No outside thoughts. Sitting and thinking about just us, how we feel, what makes us happy, are we getting what we want out of life, are we giving all we can to change it if it is not what we want? Probably not. Do we sit and think about the world around us. Not the news media forces upon us, but Earth, and how it operates. The ocean. The moon. The sun. The animals that survive in the same world you live in without money, provided shelter, laws, or structure yet flourish with what is provided by the world. It will give us an entirely new outlook on life. It can involve not being so focused on material things. It could be not taking every aspect of your life so seriously. It will involve a newfound appreciation for a world that existed millions of years before we arrived and will be here millions of years after we go. It will liberate us.

In closing, spiritual wellness gives us the gift of knowing the person we are with more than anyone else in the world. We’ll be more honest with ourselves. Our self-awareness we be at an all-time high. We’ll be operating from a new outlook on life that will allow us to approach situations with an eagerness of obtaining a new lesson. We’ll go through life seeking lessons about the occurrences around us. We’ll discover a joy we didn’t know we could so easily obtain. Imagine walking through life being comfortable in your skin with the skill to criticize your actions in a peaceful, helping, and loving manner. We will have equipped ourselves with an asset a minority of the people in this world possess. Why is a sales pitch even needed? Let’s start.

Food for thought. You do the dishes!