Start Now

Start Now

We often catch ourselves approaching tasks with the thought of where we would be if we had started earlier. This outlook has a double negative effect. The first problem is going into a pursuit with the first thought being regret. This method can cause a sputtered or lethargic start. The other ill effect is the mindset has a chance to convince you not to start at all. These issues are the plight of many of us who have great plans but never start. Giving ourselves reasons not to do what will lead to our desires is one of the most counterintuitive actions we commit in our lives. What is the issue here? Is it the regret? Is it the time we take to drum up the feeling of regret? Is it something else? Whatever it is, it may be one of the biggest dream killers known to man.

Is the feeling of regret the issue? The definition of regret is feeling sad, repentant, or disappointed over a missed opportunity. Feeling regret can be an inspiration destroyer. How well do we think going into a quest moping around will turn out? Exactly. This scenario is how we get to that aforementioned lethargic start. Our minds are not in the right place. We are thinking of what should have been, what could have been, but not what could be. We look at the time lost and tell ourselves where we could have been if we only had started the first time the thought crosses our minds. We do it with our talent, our education, and our finances. If regret is our issue, we should focus on the future and not the past. The future is a picture yet to be drawn, and the past is a visual set in stone. Why dwell on what cannot be changed? That must be a question heavily used in our future.

Is the issue the time we take to create regret? This answer may be the bigger problem. What if we begin working toward a goal as soon as the plan, idea, or ideal comes to us? This approach takes away the chance of building regret based on thoughts of wasted time and lost opportunity. When we want to start to work out, we will work out that day. If we desire to begin to build a nest egg or financial security we can pass down, we will open a brokerage account that day and purchase cash value life insurance as soon as possible. When we want to advance in our vocation, that day, we will look up certifications or degrees that will allow us to do so.

This straightforward, immediate action gives us so much power. We’ll go into chasing our goal with a level of hope, desire, and bliss. These feelings will provide several boosts. Boosts are what is needed when embarking on a new journey. Can you imagine the difference in the chance of success between person A and B? A, is person who started with the sentiments of hope, desire, and bliss versus B, who allowed the recollection of the past to eat them away. Person A has a feast of positivity to feed on, while person B has a plate of regret. Mindset is the difference between probable success and sure failure.

In closing, we should stop with the seemingly required pause after the ambition to improve hits us. Pausing is the worse thing we could allow. Idleness will cripple our pursuit and makes our chance of success bleak. We must stop being our worst enemy. The best and most realistic time to start is now. The best because we haven’t yet, and we know where we want to be in the future. It is the most realistic because the past is gone. Acknowledge the present for the gift it is. Why allow the present to be yet another lost opportunity to start something leading to greatness?

Food for thought. You do the dishes!