Be Ready

Be Ready

If we are going to hope, dream, and wish for things, let’s promise ourselves something. We should promise ourselves to be ready for what it is we desire. It’s a hard ask to forgive ourselves for not being prepared for what we wanted. How could we allow something like that to happen? We can have our focus on something else. We could be lazy and never give our ideals a chance to occur because of our lack of action. We could not believe the possibility of what we desired to happen coming to fruition, leading to half-ass preparation. Being ready is more than simply preparing for what you want to happen occurring. It is proving we deserve what we want. It puts a person who may be able to give us a chance at ease in doing so. If there is no one who can give us a chance, preparing will create the opportunity for us.

How do we allow ourselves to focus on something that isn’t our number one goal? It is likely our number one goal has nothing to do with our chief income stream. Our main income stream immediately takes 40-50 hours from our focus weekly. 40-50 hours is the minimum. Work can come home a lot, and if the work doesn’t, the stress can. Stress from work can potentially take another 40-50 hours from us. We’ll tell ourselves we deserve to sit and do nothing for a couple of nights. On other nights the story is we are “too upset” to spend time on our goals outside of work. We fail to realize we are handcuffing ourselves to our principal income stream. We don’t take any time to work towards something that could take us away from what is taking care of us financially and destroying us mentally, physically, and spiritually. We need to remember this the next time we say we should do nothing because we earned it or are in a bad mood. We are only hurting ourselves.

What is going on in the case of laziness? What makes us more comfortable neglecting the work needed to get what we want? It can vary. Logically it makes no sense. A look at the emotional side sheds some light on the decision. We choose not to give our ideals a chance to occur because if we do, we also create the possibility of us trying and failing. Remember, this is an emotional view. Logically, we don’t get what we want either way. Emotionally, being lazy protects us from dealing with living with ourselves as a “failure.” Here we need to sprinkle logic into our emotions. The chance of failure needs to exist for the prospect of success to do so. The thing is, the probability of failure is 100% prior to trying. If fear of failing is the issue, preparing ourselves for success is the best choice available for us to make.

What about when we want something but lack belief in the possibility of it occurring? This stance isn’t outside of the ordinary. Many of us feel unease when setting goals. Goals should be a little daunting. It is a change in our day-to-day lives. It is something at this point we can only imagine. We know not many people obtain the goals they set, and we may understand most of the time, we fit in the “many people” category. This realization feeds into the reasoning for the half-ass attempt towards preparing. This scenario is similar to the lazy person doing nothing trying to prevent failing. The difference here is we are attempting to play both sides. If we aren’t successful, we didn’t really put their all into it, so failure is okay. If we tried  harder we would have got it.  We were ill-prepared for the opportunity when it presented itself. Was enough preparation done? Well, no. It was not. Imagine giving less than 100% effort toward a goal because you didn’t believe it could happen, only to be presented with the opportunity and not be ready. Don’t let this be you.

In closing, being ready is necessary. Failure occurs, but so does success. We need to get out there and give everything we can to get everything we want. The best thing we can do for ourselves is to prepare for the world to bless us with opportunity. Whatever the goal, preparation is the prerequisite. You know what you can do to better prepare yourself for what you want. We should choose to be ready. It will be the difference between success and regret.

Food for thought. You do the dishes!