Get Out of Your Way

Get Out of Your Way

Life is a mix of highs and lows. Life can be beautiful and can also be a struggle. We tend to make our lives a beautiful struggle, and oh, do we struggle beautifully. We point out each and every roadblock that comes our way except the biggest and most consistent one. The roadblock is us. We miss the habits and lack of accountability we contribute to slowing or stopping our progress towards what we want. We will discuss three common vices we must remove to get out of our way.

Procrastination is a major roadblock. It can lead to missing opportunities or waiting so long that we never discover they were there. We all procrastinate, but the key is with what. Are we putting off repainting a wall in the house or creating a website to showcase our talent? Big difference. The thing is, we don’t see it that way. Our habit is being okay with delaying things. Logic and specificity are not part of the habit. Adding those two into our thought process when putting tasks off will be the difference between success and failure. The next time we catch ourselves putting off something we can do immediately; we must ask is completing this task getting me closer to my ultimate goal? How would doing this later benefit me other than simply not doing it now? We will get plenty of tasks done that normally get put to the side for months or more.

Self-Doubt is a huge blocker also. Let’s say we overcome procrastination. Instead of heading toward our desired destination, we pause and “Can we do it?” Yes, there is that beautiful struggle. When procrastination was a blocker, we did not know of such doubt. Doubt didn’t show until we realized we didn’t have anything stopping us. In order to continue to struggle beautifully, we created one. Do we really doubt we can do it? Why didn’t this come up when we first dreamed up this idea? The answers are no and again because it didn’t exist. Think of the kid that wants to be a doctor, lawyer, or superhero. The only thing stopping us at that time is age. When age disappears, all of a sudden, there are new impediments. False. There are prerequisites, not impediments. Mindset matters.

Hubris is the last hindrance we’ll discuss. This scenario is where we can also discuss the benefit of balance. Hubris is excessive self-confidence. Overconfidence will allow most of us who possess excessive self-confidence to bypass the self-doubt stage. We may be fortunate enough to have our self-belief leave no room for procrastination. Unfortunately, we may bypass the required preparation for our goals. In this scenario, we may have blinders to the fact others also desire what we desire. We overlook these others who may have procrastinated a little enabling them time to learn the ins and outs of achieving their goal. They may have experienced a little self-doubt but possessed the mindset that included logic and specificity, allowing them to sure up issues in their skill set. These attributes leave us blinded with arrogance in line for a rude awakening in the form of an epic failure.

In closing, many obstacles will get in the way of what we want. We need to make it imperative that it isn’t us. Too many dreamers themselves. Life throws obstacles to strengthen us for the goal we want. We obstruct our growth. Today we decide, if anything stands in the way of our desires, it will not be us.

Food for thought. You do the dishes!