Who is Going to Stop You?

Who is Going to Stop You?

We have all felt discouraged or doubted ourselves because we believed people were actively trying to stop us from pursuing our dreams. Perhaps we’ve encountered naysayers, skeptics, or even individuals criticizing our ambitions. Let’s pause for a moment and consider an intriguing thought. Is the lack of people wanting to stop us from our dreams more prevalent than we think? This blog explores the importance of embracing goals despite the number of perceived dream crushers. We all would love to converse with our more experienced, wiser selves. Below is a conversation we would have if we could right now.

Self: “You know, sometimes I feel like there are so many obstacles in the way of my dreams. People constantly criticize and discourage me. It’s disheartening.”

Future Self: “I understand how you feel. Have you ever considered there might be fewer people trying to stop us from our dreams than we believe?”

Self: “Hmm, that’s an interesting point. I always assumed that dream crushers were everywhere, waiting to squash our aspirations. But now that you mention it, I can’t recall any specific instances where someone actively tried to stop me.”

Future Self: “Exactly! We often project our own fears and insecurities onto others, assuming they’re out to hinder our progress. In reality, most people focus on their own lives and goals. They might not understand our dreams or share the same level of passion, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they want to impede our journey.”

Self: “That’s a refreshing perspective. So, if dream crushers are not as prevalent as we think, what does that mean for us?”

Future Self: “It means we have the power to reclaim control over our dreams. We can shift our mindset from one of defensiveness to one of determination. Instead of being consumed by the fear of judgment, let’s focus on fostering self-belief and resilience. By doing so, we equip ourselves to face any external challenges as they come.”

Self: “Absolutely! I’ve noticed that the biggest obstacles to my dreams often come from within myself. Self-doubt and fear of failure that holds me back more than any external criticism.”

Future Self: “You’re not alone in feeling that way. Many individuals underestimate their own abilities and give up on their dreams prematurely. It’s crucial to remember failure and setbacks are part of the journey. We must embrace complication as an opportunity rather than reasons to abandon our aspirations.”

Self: “I agree. We should focus on surrounding ourselves with supportive individuals who uplift us and share our vision. Seeking out mentors, like-minded communities, or even engaging with online platforms assist in finding encouragement and guidance during challenging times.”

Future Self: “Absolutely! Building a network of people who believe in us can be a powerful source of motivation and inspiration. When we encounter setbacks, their support can help us regain our momentum and remind us why we started pursuing our dreams in the first place.”

In closing, the scarcity of people trying to stop us from our dreams might surprise us. The main obstacles reside within us, fueled by self-doubt and fear. Shifting our mindset will navigate the journey toward our goals with confidence and determination. Let’s take a leap of faith and pursue our dreams brazenly. Our potential to succeed knows no bounds when we believe in ourselves.

Food for thought. You do the dishes!