Freedom isn’t Free

Freedom isn’t Free

So you want to be an entrepreneur, live the “life”, be your own boss, move as you want, do what you want when you want to do it. Well, yes that sounds great but there is a reason why 90+% of the working population are employees. The pie in the sky is only for the people who earn it. They can also get lucky enough to find someone to share it with them which is something no one wanting freedom should ever hope for. Someone else’s freedom can be shared but also taken away. Freedom can also be lost and if you are living off someone else’s freedom the pain doubles in you losing the benefits of your freedom and having no control over it. So, with that said let’s focus on a real-life peek behind the curtains of striving for, obtaining, and maintaining your freedom.

An unreal level of responsibility. Unbelievable loneliness. Mounting internal uncertainty partnered with external reminders of why. This is just the beginning. This is the price for just thinking about unplugging from the monotony of your current life. Out of the small amount of people who dare to get to this point, most of us tap out here. Therefore, this peek behind the curtain is required. It doesn’t turn to clear skies and rainbows after that stage. What occurs is you quit your old life and begin your quest for freedom. The aforementioned feelings increase. The weight that your job lifted is thrown your shoulders. The loneliness is welcomed with a cold uncomfortable breeze. The uncertainty and justification of that uncertainty smiles and state “I told you so” daily. You keep at it seemingly losing ground as you push forward. Your past life walking comfortably beside you with an offer to come back. What do you do? This is another point where many check out.

After you’ve reached the point where you’ve been unplugged for a while, going back is the last thing on your mind. The past life starts to leave you alone, but you don’t worry knowing if you wanted it you can get it back. A weird thing occurs where your loneliness goes through a metamorphosis. It transforms from a feeling of you being the only one with the sense to unplug to you getting praise from everyone for doing so. This makes you feel even lonelier. All you hear is you got it. You’re killing it. You have everything together. As all the high praisers run into a corner hoping everything will be okay while you get to make sure it is. What a prize, huh? Well, freedom isn’t free.

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Striving for freedom is one thing. Obtaining it is another. Maintaining it is a beast. Not many of the people who obtain freedom get to do it smoothly. Some may come into a bunch of money. Some work for decades and retire. Other than those scenarios, it’s work. It’s more like war. You are going against the grain, breaking the rules. I mean, people go to school to get a job and work until they can’t or commit a minimum of 20 years of their life. Who are you? Why are you so special? I guess it’s a gift. Obtaining freedom means giving up whatever gives you your peace, your calm, your comfort. You must give it up because whatever “it” is, is sharing its freedom with you. It is not yours. Once you give it up, you must then get your own. That is the deal. The choice of striving for freedom attempts to scare you away. Obtaining freedom strips every comfort away. Maintaining freedom? Well, that is tricky. In the beginning, freedom seems to be ready to say goodbye every day. You’ll make a lot of mistakes. Mismanagement of time, money, stress, anger. You must learn from it. It is frustrating. You want control and freedom in your life. You are given control with not much of a fight. It’s just a choice.

The freedom is like trying to catch a chicken in an open field with 50-pound weights on your ankles. You’ve added the weight over time. Luckily, like everything in life you adapt and get better. That chicken is running in circles. It’s not leaving your vicinity unless you stop chasing it. That weight you’ve added has made you pretty strong. Once you learn to take them off, chasing that chicken will not be much of an issue. You’ll realize that the chicken is not there to be held, it is to be chased. The chicken is there to be chased.

In closing, freedom isn’t free and if you want it, it will cost. It will be hard. If you could live the life you want with no effort don’t you think you’d be living it already? Wouldn’t everyone? Wouldn’t every car be luxurious, all homes be huge, all bank accounts be in the black, all credit cards be paid off at the end of the month, and debts be zero? Yes, to all the above. When you see someone enjoying a life with the freedom you desire, acknowledge that someone put in work for it. It may be their freedom, it may be someone who is sharing with them, but in no way did it come for free.

Food for thought…You do the dishes.

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