Power of Pressure

Power of Pressure

Pressure is an accelerant. Most of us run from it. Some of us thrive under it. I’m here to tell you whatever it does to you the process will tell you about yourself. Although you may be attempting to read ahead and think otherwise, the aforementioned results don’t determine whether your a strong person or better individual than others. A runner could be the most diligent, meticulous planner you’ll ever meet. They plan and prepare so well pressure is foreign to them so they tend to panic or cower in its presence. The person who thrives under pressure could be a procrastinator and does well because the situation is commonplace. Regardless of the effect on you, I want to discuss the power of pressure.

Again, pressure is an accelerant. It will push or pull you in whatever direction your heading in. This is why people can be faced with pressure and fold or make miraculous strides toward improbable completion. You fold not because of the pressure but because of your actions leading up to it. Your effort or approach was faulty and the amount of work you feel is needed to complete or achieve your goal seems insurmountable. Now, of course, your level of belief in yourself plays a role but a person with a normal level of self-esteem can happen to be an ultra logical person, see the percentages are not in their favor and retreat. An extreme optimist who is a borderline narcissist has the attitude that anything they attempt is not only possible but probable. Pressure, in this case, is still powerful but in a positive way. It’s making the improbable possible which is all the optimist needs. A chance.

The expression pressure bursts pipes exist for a reason. Well built, tough individuals can give way to the pressure of what they are supposed to be made for, seemingly born to do. We’ve all seen the great sports figure miss the game-winning shot, drop the game-winning catch, or cough up a lead they’ve held the entire game. We are so surprised and disappointed in these people as if they are not people. The world-renowned surgeon has seen some people die on the operating table.

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The super lawyer has lost a case or was forced to settle a case that was thought of as an easy win. The average joe has a perfect driving record and gets into a fender bender the first time they are the driver in the occasional office lunch. How did this happen? Pressure. These people are excellent at what they do. They do believe in themselves but like all great people the constant diligence, strategizing, and planning that makes them great can make their brain go into overdrive and cause actions that would not normally occur to occur. This happens in the reverse also. Who made the game-winning shot? They are a terrible shooter. Well, not that time, and that’s what counted most. Pressure also makes diamonds.

In closing, the pressure is not the enemy. It can be a huge asset if utilized correctly. The more you experience it the better you’ll be able to handle it and use it to your advantage. During this Coronavirus pandemic, people’s preparation for one(a pandemic) and/or dependency on their job was brought to light. This also has exposed relationship problems many couples were able to ignore because they weren’t forced to face them every day if not multiple times a day. All of these scenarios created pressure. People can now promise themselves they’ll never be so unprepared for a “rainy day” or rainy months in this case.

State they’ll never put themselves and/or their family in the financially strapped position they are in now because their job was their only stream of income. They’ll now leave that irreparable relationship after months of reminders nothing positive is there. They may also see that the relationship is salvageable and grow closer to their partner than ever. Pressure is the fire under your tail most of us need to move at the required pace to accomplish a goal. Use the unpressurized time to prepare for the pressured situations. It can be the difference between you crumbling from being unprepared or scatterbrained and you thriving, taking that pressurized ride to an amazing accomplishment.

Food for thought…You do the dishes.

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