Believe Them/ Believe Us

Believe Them/ Believe Us

I think this year has been a candidate to throw away a few weeks after it started but it may be the most pivotal year in America. People are experiencing things they would have never imagined. In America, we are experiencing the results of a botched epidemic response and an uprising in response to police brutality and racism. Yes, all at once. Yes, amid people losing their jobs, not seeing their extended family as much or at all, possibly being stuck in the house with an abuser, many teens and young adults not being able to experience graduation after their hard work, and others dying of infectious disease in hospitals where loved ones can’t visit.

This is brutal but another huge issue is the reactions of people. This time is scaring people more than ever. Being scared causes people to react in ways they wouldn’t if it was not the case. Being afraid can also cause anger in people who are not comfortable being in a vulnerable scared state and quickly move to anger as a defense mechanism. Whatever the case, this scare has brought out lots of the ugly in people. It is currently outweighing the good. The President is tweeting things that shouldn’t cross his mind. Cops are killing people in the streets on camera…again. People are sick of it. People are taking their issues to the street. Yes, protests and riots. The people in power who are doing evil don’t deserve a second chance to prove their evil. Believe them.

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What about us? What do we do? We’ve been shown evil in perpetuity for a while. The fact we cannot look the other way anymore is because there is nothing else to grab our attention. In addition to being wronged, we’re angry too. We’ve seen another person that looks like us being slaughtered in the streets by a person who is hired to keep us safe in those same streets. Also, we see the perpetrating officers get off completely or receive slaps on the wrist. We are sick of it. Fed up to the point of risking injustice occurring to ourselves while we protest. Some taking it even further, choosing rioting and looting as the answer although being a temporary one. The thing about taking action is it becomes easier to do after the first time. This works both ways. The police and government should know this. We should too. The more police are comfortable killing people, the more comfortable the government is letting them off, the more comfortable the people will be voicing, showing, directing their anger back to those forces. No matter how powerful the police/government believes they are they do not outnumber the masses. It can’t be done. Some may say but what about the military? I’d say the same thing I’d say about the police and the government. Those are people with families that are Americans, also. How many people are going to be willing to fight a war against their loved ones? Not many.

In closing, we may be at the beginning of an uprising. This may be the start of a civil war. This may be the end of a war that’s been going on for centuries. Whatever it is, it’s nothing like anything in the immediate past. This is different. Just as there will be a new normal after the pandemic subsides, there will be a new normal in how injustices are handled. It may be smart for the powers that be to consider what happens if the situation escalates 10-15 fold. Release some power by punishing abusers of it or lose all of it. History repeats itself all the time. The USA is not an exception in any way. Believe that. Believe us.

Food for thought…You do the dishes.

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