How to Deal with the Matrix

How to Deal with the Matrix

Have you ever felt you were living in a simulation? Similar to a video game. You don’t have to be a heavy gamer. Playing a simple game on your phone will do. The more you play the more skill you get. You get enough skill to realize when the game/simulation is not behaving correctly. You can tell when the difficulty level has shifted. You also notice the glitches more and more. You tend to know when something isn’t going to go as you wish. This seems identical to life. I don’t want to be a pessimist here. It works both ways for sure. You’ve been to an interview and knew 2 questions in, you’ll get the job offer.

It’s cool to be able to brace yourself for these occurrences but it can get frustrating when you feel that you are not in as much control of a situation as you should be. If you play sports games, you can almost run plays with your eyes closed after a while because you’ve got the timing down to a science. Yet, there are days when you play the game, playing exactly how you always do maybe even with more concentration because of the way things are going and still lose. You are good enough to know no matter what you did you weren’t going to win that one. This is life but it shouldn’t be, right? This isn’t a simulation, correct? Are we living in the Matrix?

I consider myself a smart guy but I have no answer for that. For the sake of this piece, let’s say we are. If we are, this is a pretty great and believable simulation. We are living in a simulation on the level of a Playstation 2000. (For those non-gamers, Playstation 5 is scheduled to be released the end of this year so 1,995 iterations ahead of that.) What do we do to operate? One approach would be to attempt to calm down. If you dig 3 to 4 questions deep which I’m sure you have, you’ll scare yourself. Relax, we are already in it and still kicking so I guess we are doing okay. After calming down, acknowledge all the times you drove yourself crazy wondering why something wasn’t going as desired when you were putting in extra effort/concentration. Also remember the times you simply were present and accomplished feats people work years hoping to accomplish.

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Now, this isn’t a piece telling you not to care because whatever is going to happen will happen. I mean, you still make the effort. That loss can be you coming up just short or getting blown out. Unlike a video game, the size of the loss matters. You can take that feeling with you to the next challenge and enter the battle already defeated. Always put your best foot forward regardless of the apparent grim conclusion. This is will train you to be at your best and focus at all times which will set you up for success even when the simulation seems to have increased in difficulty level and glitched against you.

Whatever this life is, we know people succeed regardless. With that being the case, you can too. You can be good at a craft and attempt to do something within that craft. You can be attempting something achieved by another person. It may not turn out the way it should have because they were doing something else. Something extra. Meaning regardless of if its a step by step course, recipe, real estate method, or youtube channel building tutorial there is a piece of the game/simulation they are not divulging. They may have found a glitch and exploited it. They may have discovered a step that lessens the impact of a glitch or difficulty level.

This is something that is discovered by putting in that extra concentration regardless of the number of failures because once you discover the solution there will be nothing that aspect of the game/life can throw at you that you couldn’t handle. Yes, people will pay you for the information but you know from your experience that you can sell 50% of it and make a killing. This is done all over the internet.

In closing, the key to dealing with the matrix is not to let it deter you from what you’re are trying to do. At times, it can look like no matter what you do you will not win. Your losses may mount for a while but you keep going. Keep trying. Once you figure out what this simulation is looking for it will be difficult for it to continuously hold you back. It will need to throw something new at you. Luckily, life doesn’t change it’s simulation yearly like video games. Once you get it in this life, you got for a while. Keep pushing, you never know if today is the day you push pass that roadblock.

Food for Thought…You do the dishes.

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