Raising Your Arms in Victory

Raising Your Arms in Victory

We need to celebrate more. I’m speaking of things we celebrate. Not simply spending more time celebrating what we already do. We seem to only celebrate new things. New job, new car, new house, new relationship, new money new, new, new. It’s like we only see celebration fit for additions in our life. We are missing the boat here.

New is not a prerequisite for victory or joy. There is lots of old stuff that needs to be celebrated. Probably even more than old things, subtractions from your life deserve celebration. Why do we miss these things? Who gave us the criteria for what warrants a victory? Well, whoever it was seemed to have had extremely negative wishes for our mental health and overall well being.

Let’s talk about some of the old things we take for granted. We can start with the old relationships in your life. We are told to celebrate anniversaries in intimate relationships but not the others. Even within intimate relationships, we are celebrating the year but not the time. We are celebrating the new milestone not what it took to get there. We are not celebrating the trials and tribulations overcome, not celebrating the memories made, not celebrating or acknowledging the astronomical amount of things that had to fall in place just for you two to even meet.

The other old relationships deserve some celebration too. We should take a look at the other relationships in life and think of the incredible times and future opportunities that exist simply because the relationship does. That old car has saved you a bundle. Yes, it’s a little old and has its issues but it’s paid for and insurance is way cheaper than a newer car that has payments due every month. Celebrate that fact, if only for a couple of seconds, every time you are in the car and need a reason to crank up the radio and celebrate.
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We’ve touched on the way we celebrate additions in life. Most subtractions deserve a party also. Have you ever enjoyed the experience of having a huge burden lifted off your shoulders? The relief of being a landlord that is about to sell a rental unit. Yes, monthly income is nice but the relief of no longer needing to dread getting that call or text that will cancel your plans for the weekend or hurt your pockets for the next month. The windfall of money is also a cause for celebration. If you’ve handled the situation correctly that money should more than make up for the monthly loss.

Have you ever left a job or relationship when you knew it wasn’t a great situation for you? It may have worked for the business to have you for as long as you’d stay but it was nothing but a paycheck for you and the paycheck began to look short no matter what was added to it over time. The relationship was cool and had potential but you’ve grown out of things the partner has yet to realize as an issue. You’ve embraced a life that just doesn’t mesh and the subtraction of the relationship although temporarily painful will bring an unimaginable amount of relief. Once the tears stop and the realization of the necessity of the move clicks, you’ll begin to celebrate the subtraction as you should.

In closing, celebrate all the good in your life. It’s not just about additions. Money is great but being healthy is awesome too. A small win is still a win. A subtraction that comes with great relief should be appreciated just as what is being subtracted was when you welcomed it into your life.

A new shiny toy is always great but the toy that lost its sheen has been around for a while, still works, brings joy, and comes with memories that the new shiny one simply cannot match. Let’s not focus only on additions and subtractions for what we were told they were. Examine them and recognize your subtractions can be bigger and be a cause for more joy than your additions. Celebrate. Congratulations by the way.

Food for thought…You do the dishes.

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