Why Are They Still Around You?

Why Are They Still Around You?

How patient are you? The most common answer is it depends. It depends on who or what requires patience. Do you want to obtain a bachelor’s degree? You understand it will take years. Do you want to lose weight? Even with the existence of thousands of diets, there is an understanding it will be a journey. What about with people? Dealing with people is where many of us lose our minds. Not with impatience but too much. Chance after chance with all the proof we need repeatedly being present to us.

Why do we do this? Some are afraid to let go. This issue is more of a fear-inspired reaction. Some are ready to let go but, the person with the problem will not. How do you escape someone who will not detach themselves? You may think the willing person should remove themselves. Well, ask yourself how does a child with parents who continuously fail as parents leave? It’s a fight they aren’t equip to fight. How about a husband or wife with children? The spouse is not ready. The spouse is the issue. What about business partners? One partner has caused the business to lose money year after year. Why not just sell your percentage of the company and move on? Well, because it should be your company.

The majority of us deal with the issue of bad seeds being around them. The resolution is usually as simple as getting away. Regardless, we still need to be pushed. Are we gluttons for punishment? Are we loyal to a fault? Why do we feel we are required to have a little negative in our life? Is it sort of a sacrifice? Are we trying to tell the higher powers we are not doing much better than others? “Don’t you see I have this pain in the ass that I’m dealing with daily?” Don’t send any other hardship my way.”

Sacrificing has been around for a long time. Logically, it is plausible. Realistically with must tell ourselves this is not accurate. The world doesn’t care what you are going through. It will pile on with no remorse. The reason is not because of evil. It seems to be random with a disregard to what is or has just occurred in one’s life. With this understood, we should focus on ridding our lives from all the negative we can. You never know when a random issue will pop up to say hello for a while.

What about the people who do understand? They know to remove negativity. Their fight is to remove the stubborn negatives. Why are they still around you? Yes, good question. Especially since one of your daily tasks is preventing and removing negativity. The answer must lie with the other party. They will not remove themselves and, you can’t seem to do so. Well, at least not as swiftly as usual. What do you? I don’t believe there is a perfect answer. It’s just like answering the “How patient are you?” question. It depends. Let’s take the examples from above. A child has very few choices. Most ride it out until they can go away to school. Some wait until they reach the age to get a job and fend for themselves. Another option would be to attempt to convince a family member to take them in. In this case, the courts/justice system will need to agree in addition to the current and new parent.

What about the husband/wife that wants to move on in life? Who knows how patient this person has been. Who knows if they are the best spouse themselves but, one thing is for sure their patience is gone. How does the fed-up spouse move on with life? Forced divorce? It sounds like a way but, how long does that take? How long must they share a home with someone they don’t want around? Try to work it out again? Could this person take another slap in the face in the form of an “I told you so” from themselves?

The business partner. This business is their baby. They happen to share it with a fellow dreamer who dared to jump as they did. The problem is the other jumper is not as good of a partner as a doer. They are terrible. Legally they own half the company. Do they buy them out? Well, the partner would have to be willing to sell. Do they sell their share? This sell would let go all of the blood, sweat, and tears in addition to the money they put in. What about staying to cause issues hoping to force the weak partner out? Will it work? Who is the weaker partner in this scenario? Whatever your situation is, the key is effort. Continue to attempt to remove/resolve the issue.

In closing, we must be aware of people around us doing more harm than good. No matter how long they’ve been in your life. No matter how much you’ve put in. No matter how much they are trying. You may be this person or slowly realizing you are the problem. This example should drive it home:

Two people are on a boat in the middle of the ocean. One person is punching holes in the boat while the other is yelling at them for it. The problem then plugs the hole. Everything calms down. The problem punches another hole in the boat, gets berated, and repairs the hole again. Let’s say this continues. The person who is not destroying the boat no longer trusts the punch and plugger. The plugging no longer makes the punching okay. They are now waiting for the next piece of damage to the boat. The “puncher/plugger” doesn’t see a problem with it and can’t stop punching the holes. It should all be okay anyway because they plug them afterward.

I hope you get it enough to resolve the issue.

Food for Thought… You do the dishes.