Iron Sharpens Iron

It is an old proverb, but nothing makes more sense when attempting to explain greatness. Iron sharpens iron. This statement means that it takes someone as good as us to…

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Do What Works

Do what works. It sounds like the simplest of instructions. As young adults, we may misinterpret the message. This misunderstanding is due to a lack of experience. The lack of…

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Plan B

A backup plan is something we hear we should have when pursuing anything. It sounds pessimistic. It is if you think about it. We sit and plan this grand plan…

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Extreme Measures

Extreme Measures definition is drastic action. Extreme measures vary depending on the person. Drastic action is a choice that is not thought of until things get to reaching a breaking…

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Sowing Seeds

Recently, I heard the best time to start anything was five years ago and, the second-best time to start is now. It's not a perfect statement but, it does hold…

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