Beware of Supporters

Beware of Supporters

We all have had enemies. These are the people who don’t have our best interests at heart. We were told to beware of and stay away from them. So, we did. We would get very good at it. We became pros. The thing is those enemies have been told the same thing and some of them became very good also. They became very good at disguising themselves as supporters. Some stay very close. Some like to be far away but watching. Others like to play the middle allowing them to play both positions and retreat when/if they are ever close to being exposed. I’m going to touch on all three to attempt to make all readers aware of people they may view as supporters. This is not to scare you or make you overly cautious but equipping you with what I’d call an Aptitude for Reality in Situational Environments. A.R.S.E for short. Read, so you can cover yours. 😎

The close enemies disguised as supporters are the boldest. Their disdain for you is strong enough for them to run the risk of being discovered at any time. They are so intertwined in your life that they may even suffer collateral damage from a failure of yours. Still… they are there. The joy of seeing you slip up or suffer a major failure outweighs whatever inconvenience they may have to endure because of it. How do you spot them? They are good but they all tell on themselves. You just have to be aware. Don’t get caught up that this “supporter” is family, a friend, a partner, or a business associate. That is the situational environment. You need to be a realist in the situation and understand people are capable of anything. With this understanding, you’ll see that they seem to have a hard time seeing you succeed. They state “you always think you’re right” a little too often. They have trouble simply listening to your statement as they must challenge you in some way regardless of their level of knowledge on the topic. They tend to listen to respond instead of to comprehend. They are usually the ones who have trouble understanding what you believe to be a simple point. It’s not you. They don’t want to understand.

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The distant enemies disguised as supporters are pretty harmless. These are the people who check your social media religiously but never say anything. You don’t even know they are there most of the time. They can be family you don’t see as much as you used to, old friends from a city you no longer live in, old collogues you no longer work with, or complete strangers. They don’t know you as much as they used to but they are keeping an eye on you. How do you spot them? They usually stay silent but if they do show themselves it’s in response to something negative happening to you. They’ll hit you with a “like” on a post discussing it or a “You’ll bounce back” comment as they chuckle in private at your misfortune. It sucks but you can completely ignore these people. No reason to go seeking them out unless you want to.

The tweeners are what I like to call situational supporters. They see you and want you to know they do. They are around enough so you know they are a “supporter” you know… just in case you are successful at that crazy goal you set for yourself. They can be anybody with the ability to be both close and far without you being suspicious. These people are not usually around to see you fail. There are just indifferent if you do. How do you spot them? These are usually the leaches. They are aware of your potential and want to be allowed to be around if you fulfill it. They can see you moving and pop up in your life. They can be strangers and want to do business with you. I’m in the music business so for example, I hear nothing for months but after a release and some social media promotion, I’m bombarded with emails from “promoters” and “managers” who love my “stuff” and can relate to my “struggle” and recognize my “grind”. I mean, from 4 songs? Thanks? I guess. But why is a contract or agreement of any kind attached in the email? I don’t know you! Or the “friend” who is in and out of your life and makes statements or suggests you both should have the same things, you both work just as hard, and they are more than capable of doing what it is you do. One issue is we are not in the same field, and not only are we not in the same field we never have been. You should invite those people to do so. Tell them to get started. That will shut the ridiculousness down and have them go back to “supporting” from afar.

In closing, these fake supporters surround us all. They are enemies and should be treated as such. They are experts at playing their part. You must be an expert at recognizing it. Apply your lifelong training of keeping them away. Real supporters are the best thing you can have when attempting to complete a goal. They can give you belief when you lose some in yourself. They can supply that boost when you feel you’ve given all that you had. You don’t want to put that power in the hands of one of these fake supporters. Hopefully, you are ready to apply the Aptitude of Reality in Situational Environments. Pay attention and cover your A.R.S.E. 💪🏿

Food for thought…You do the dishes!
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