Building Bridges

Building Bridges

Networking is important. It is an essential part of entrepreneurship. Networking is just the base level of relationship building. I’d call networking the 101 level of relationship building. I want to discuss the 201 level in the curriculum of relationship building. That would be building bridges. When networking, you may know what the person does, you have an idea of what they are like on the surface, you may see how the two of you working together can be beneficial. All of that is great but you don’t know that person and that person doesn’t know you. There is no relationship there just the prerequisites of one. How willing are either of you in being vulnerable with each other? No, I’m not saying you need to cry together. I’m asking, how willing are you to bring this person into your life and put your livelihood, reputation, and foreseeable future on the line for working with them?

I’m thinking not much. I have a feeling it’s not at all. This is where taking the next step in the relationship comes. This is when the bridge is built. With this bridge, two worlds are joined. The traffic goes both ways and whatever is on one side can creep over to the other. When building a relationship in the bridge building phase, you are attempting to gather as much information about what will be on the other side of that bridge. You know what the talent is. You know what you can do with it. You have no idea what comes with the talent and the goal when building the bridge is to discover it before the construction is complete. You should be looking for red flags and when spotted you should weigh that flaw against the benefit of having the bridge. Yes, you may look the other way on some things. This bridge not only connects you to them but to everyone they have built a bridge with. In other words, you may need to go through a rough town to get to the beautiful location you are attempting to reach.

So, let’s touch on other issues. Your town is being scouted also. Are you ready to connect with someone? Should you be building a two-way bridge with someone knowing what you currently house? You have to be honest with yourself. While you can look at a red flag and choose to ignore it, the other person can see yours and choose not to. Are you okay with that? Would you allow it to be seen or would you hide it? If you hide it and it gets discovered you know that the bridge may not be completed, right? That certainly would prevent people in their circle from connecting with you too. If you hide it successfully, you know the relationship is built off of lies and can collapse at anytime. Also, if you successfully hid some things there is always the chance they did also. Can you handle that?

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If you didn’t understand why people in business are usually so closed off it’s because of the above. A stranger, that on the surface looks to be an incredible asset, can be the connection that makes everything crumble. Even if they don’t make it crumble, they can be the reason for trouble that otherwise wouldn’t have occurred. Don’t be so quick to resort to anger when people don’t welcome you with open arms. This isn’t the first day of kindergarten. This is life. This is food, shelter, the fate of your family, friends, and business. If you are not considering all of this when you are bringing someone in, maybe you are too open. Have you ever sat down to think that these people may be on to something? Take a different approach. Have you ever experienced some misfortunes in life because of a person/people you built a bridge with? Yes? Wow. I’m shocked.

In closing, be judicious about the level after networking. You can work with people you are just in the networking phase with but that work will probably be one-offs. Yes, a producer and a singer/rapper can collaborate for a song or two without taking a bridge-building step but making an entire album or working together multiple times throughout a career is not happening. The same goes for other industries. That relationship will be strictly business and that is fine but nothing amazing or consistent will come from it. Greatness will occur when that relationship includes time together with no business being discussed. Laughing at each others personal quirks or identifying with each other about something you felt you were a lone wolf in believing. Yes, building a bridge can be risky but it can also be the connection you need to get to where you belong in life. Be cautious. Be diligent. Be meticulous. When you find a person that is worthy of a bridge, be ready to build.

Food for thought…You do the dishes.

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